Sony STR-S5L Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание STR-S5L

Страница 1: ...ess than 250fV at I ohms Inouts lmpedance 47 k ohms 76dB Frequencyresponse Tonecontrols PHONO RIAAequalization curver0 5 dB AUX TAPE 10 Hz 100 kHz 0 5dB BASS 8 dB at 100 Hz TREBLE 8 dB at 10kHz SOUNDENHANCER 8 dB 80Hz 6 dB 800Hz I dB 8 kHz Acceptslow impedanceheadphones Continued on next page SAFETY BELATED COMPONENT WARNING COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY SHADING AND MARK A oN THE ScHEMATIc DIAGRAMS EXP...

Страница 2: ...0 dB 19 2dBf at at Selectivity General System Power requirements Powerconsumption AC outlets Dimensions Weight I SuperheterodyneFM AM luner pure complementarysEPP AEP model 22O V ac 50 60 Hz UK model 24OV ac 50 60 Hz AEP model 120 watts UK model 32O watts 2 switched total 100W Approx 430x 130x 330mm w h d 17x 5r rx 13 inches Including proiecting parts and controls Approx 9 3 kg 20lb I oz net Appro...

Страница 3: ...ter cushion Fig B aluminum foil HandlingPrecautions for MOS lCs soldered Fis D Fis E Fis F 3 Equalize any potential difference between the clothes the tools in use the work bench the set being worked on and the packagedIC by touching them all in succession with the hands or a conductive wire or tool The following are effective methods for handl ing ICs thai remove the potential difference acrossth...

Страница 4: ...lid for all the output sectionsthat are connected together by the interconnections Even the circuits that are physically separated and not on the same board can be destroyed simultaneously Example If this line is grounded or touches B or B bus the output stage of this lC will be destroyed Fis I I partially conductive urethane polyester cushion or aluminum foil Fis G o When it is necessaryto handle...

Страница 5: ...otted line In Figure C by raisingthe voltage at S charg_ ing current i2 flows to C2 andi3 alsoflow Wheni3 flows the potentialat rises sothe potentialat is also pushedup by this At this time the current i1 flowing from the power applied to is very small and i2 is supplied almost totally asa iesult of the rise in voltageat However the charging current i2 decreasesas time elapses Consequently sincepo...

Страница 6: ...ating in other words when if is flowing base potential at is l 8V This l 8V is a result of the voltage of 0 6V between the base and emitter of the transistor and forward direction voltage of I 2V at the 2 silicon diodes By increasing ir the potential at D drops to 1 2V i1 cannot be increased any further if it is tried i2 will flow By limiting if in this way the transistor is protected Also this ci...

Страница 7: ...rcuitby connecting with CR time constantcircuit Determines pulsewidth etc of MUTE output signalduringbandswitching operationtime 0 5 sec J BUC Input Back up control terminal is in back up state at low level TEST Input TEST terminal of LSI internal circuit In TEST state at high level f FM Input FM band input terminal At low achievesFM reception state and maintains it even if it later goeshigh Holds...

Страница 8: ...and loads it to ladder output voltage 50 duty signalexcept during fine tuning T 1 5 msec Outputs 8 stagepulse modulation signal during fîne tuning 24 Vref Reference voltage 8V for D A converter comparator 25 34 B l B l 0 Output Output for l0 bit UP DOWN counter including ladder buffer Performs D A conversion bv connectins ladder resistor 3s Vss GND terminal of LSI 36 42 CHl_CH7 Input Output Channe...


Страница 10: ...STR S5L 0306 8 FOR MW B FORLW B FORFM 10 ...

Страница 11: ...vel achieves the band division state BAND ii Output o At low level designatesthe band II r When the terminal F A IN is at high level achieves the band division stâte low level or high level 8 BAND I Output At low level designates the band I Whenthe terminal AM is low achieves the banddivisionstate low or high Whenthe terminal F A IN is high level the output of this terminalbecomesin high level 9 A...

Страница 12: ...sTR S5L 1 2 BLOCKDIAGRAM FII I FRONT_END r L90l LW MWFERRITE âr o il o 8irB iie tr s80r s802 Em L rv ËlE U P B DOWN 8 F M A M AUX o SWITCHING 8504 SWTCHING 0505 506 SUTCHING 0 3 1 3 12 ...

Страница 13: ...STR S5L rxltEEexH t E ts z SWITCHING 0305 ...

Страница 14: ...rR s5L rc602 702 0607 707 Ic302 lc60r Q60r 603 701 703 0804 806 0805 807 ...

Страница 15: ...sTR S5 TOPCOVERREMOVAL Remove the four screws EOUALIZERBOARDREMOVAL HEATSINKREMOVAL SECTION 2 DISASSEMBLY Note Follow the disassembly procedurein the numericalorder given I I 1 5 ...

Страница 16: ...STR S5L ...

Страница 17: ...e the screws SUB PANEL REMOVAL The main board can be checked in this condition svrr sxog G avrr sxo SOUND l l v v nu 6 l Ql uauuat Gt BVrr sx6 O BVTT gx6 CIRCUITBOARDBRACKET B REMOVAL GtrApsxe OBVrr3x6 Gl evrrsxa Remove the heat sink ...

Страница 18: ...5TR 55L ...

Страница 19: ...STR S5L ...

Страница 20: ... each adjustment several times and the frequency coverage and tracking adjustments should be finally done by the trimmer capacitors VTVM RECOUT Adjust for a maximum reading on VTVM Adjust for a maximum reading on VTVM LW FREOUENCY COVERAGEADJUSTMENT Adjust for a maximum reading on VTVM ltlUl FREOUENCY COVERAGEADJUSTMENT Adjust for a maximum reading on VTVM 20 ...

Страница 21: ... to light up when 1 000kH2 is indicated on the frequencY displaY 4 Set 5410 to OFF AM rf signal generator t t l l S l Y t s t I s l 3oo o amPlitude modulation bY zl00Hz signal Put the lead wire antenna close to the set Tunethe setto 98MHzmanuallY Set5410to ON Adjust RT401 sothat the last digit continues to iight up when98 0MHzis indicatedon the frequencYdisplay 4 Set5410to OFF 0 OlpF Carrier frequ...

Страница 22: ... Modulation 4OOHz 30 Procedure l Set the output level of the signalgeneratorto 64 74 dB 2 Adjust T204 for 4 75 0 25V readingon the VOM Note The primarysideof T204hasbeenadjusted at the factory so the adjustment is unnecessaryin this field VOM o I o I o ...

Страница 23: ...STR S5L The FM frontend is carefully adiustedat the factory and is suppliedasone whole block for replacement Referto page2l for FM lF OffsetAdiustment FMrt signal Modu lation 40OHz z kHz deviation a ...

Страница 24: ...vel of the signal generator 60dB lmV Note Repeat the secondary side and primary side adjust ments severaltimes If 0V reading can not be obtained on the VOM after adjustments repeat the above steps DC range l fune the set to 98 MHz 2 Adjust RT202 for l9 kHz t50 Hz on the countel B Simple Method Procedure l Tune the set to the FM stereo broadcastins signal 2 Turn RT202 clockwise or counterclockwise ...

Страница 25: ... L CH test point RT60I LevelMeterCalibration AF oscillator t 600çl TAPE or AUX speaker terminal Turn the VOLUME control knob for 2 83V lW readingon the VTVM Adjust RT702 L Cr and RT r02 R CH so that the sixth element of LED mel er lights up at half the completebrightness Make sure that the sixlh elc mentlights up com pleteiy when iucreasirrgthe otrtput level of the attenuator bY ldB 2 3 VTVM l0kdt...

Страница 26: ...AMS 2S4844 2SA101 5 258740 2SC458A 2SC1364 2 S C 18 15 2 S D 7 8 9 2SAl 141 2SA2681 pPC574J i t a l l a i l D4BB1O D4BB2O 4 1 MOUNTINGDIAGRAM FM FRÛNT END BOARD fi i r l J V i I I SB 734 l s D 7 7 4 r W l l 2S8834 2SD880 r t l l i a c è o P F a 8A6t 44 Y 4 IITIIIIII IIIII J J llLL ljU J HA12002 l 1 l 1 r1 t I I I J l r I I i t l r j l r s 15 15 5 5 1S1585 152076 152076A 152471VE 1 52473 1SS53 1 S ...

Страница 27: ...d of the jacket r oartsextractedfrom the component sloe 1 partsextractedfrom the conductor side i i indicatessideidentified with parl trumber l i i l component side pattern 1 0 E 2 EOAo1 o5 R EOAO1 10 EOAO1 10 R EOA01 11 R E O A O I 1 1 2 EOAO1 15 R EOAO1 16 R EOBO1 10 tT26 c a t n C C e a n o d e 2 l i ç i rrt i 0 r a a a GL 9PRg r 1 ilJ r lq i t ...

Страница 28: ...M Conductor Side Seepage28 for semiconductor leadlayouts andnote EOUALIZËR BOARD tcl02 i _ i r e P L L 2 r Trn __ B Ë f l r I 1 I M U T N C L I l ll o i tI Er J i 4 4 l I Lt J l i ï L _ BREAKER BOARD IBREAKER BOARDI ...

Страница 29: ......

Страница 30: ... 0 3 5 l 1 i r i r t rr t t I l Pcl i i r l i t i R l I D85r I 5 1 r l_i Dû5 I t i T 2l lr i q 5 li jr lr l ct lI u L i lr r I f i 4 i t D 8 0 l ll oso ITRBOARD L I i i E D ô 1 1 Iirt n n i a l_ ï ll ts5r i i l l i i r i i l j i l r i ITRBOARD R E l E ...

Страница 31: ...02t6 forq l l fli1 l Èl 1 t8 n ffi s8o E Fvoruqal IDISPLAY BOARD A J E rilEù13 r I J II il llF JF J l e 2tr I 2 0 k i zor okl 20r r0rl l20r 5rù zor orl 2Or trorl 2or é ori t20r r0l 2or 5rot o Ê J ...

Страница 32: ...805 807 8 0 4 8 0 6 l l i t ir i l f r l PLt02 9 ff rq 5 5 0 2 lr l m t 32 ...

Страница 33: ...L rc503 504cx770a SWTCHING UME BOARD B I 1 I AUX BOA ry lllllj J50r A dô LTI cNJ55t 6 ffiÀ fa fl Y cNJ553 o lFEcoRoERl ss é IFE dÙÏI Y l È c522 L C524 t00 t6v cr06 0 4 2 1 I P l â l r L 1 f Fl 0 l I I I I L R l 0 l r00k Dl04 sVc2llSD tït J i tr9l I 0202rr srNcc2839 0202KVt2261 Q207 2SCr8r5 0202 0205 Q204 tc2ôl KVr226 Al 2SC2839 2SC2839 LÀià4s lgf g 0 JTi 0201 5 i 2sc283s l 2w swrTcHlNG R7 t9 00 0 ...

Страница 34: ... i IJ DISPLAYBOARD NI tc602 702 0624lT22A CxZOCiOZ BYPASS ÂFAMP 0rio4 605 608 609 6t t 612 6t3 rS2473 o7o4zscr345 I o7o52sA844 J08 709 71 7r2 7t3 û D80tlsi PROITC J90i lHraD N rPowER BOARD _ l I l 6l m h Ji l tt l i t l a ffil r siifL R 6HT i s6o2 r EAffiHl OFF r_ ON seoz z lTpeÀms l OFF ON tc603 03 8r OUTPUT MET 34 ...

Страница 35: ...srR s5 Q304 305 2SCr8t5 030rlSl555 SW TCH NG OC CUT 0205 206 rT22A PMSEOET 19 R25l R245 R24 oti Or 5 6ô 0205 t 9 l 8 1 7 1 6 t 5 B l TTUNING VOLUMT BOARD D8il 812rS2473 ...

Страница 36: ... 0 E 2 lc85l PC574 RËcl VOL IAGERTG C 8 5 0 8 5 l t i l t r À 1 9 1 8 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 r 1 oT8ll oT o 9 333Éo ï H i Q lll 0 8 5 4 2 S 0 7 8 9 VOI re REG i I i4 ltçîI r 0 91 I r i 0855 t859 oa ia Y u f rffi i i r1hil i Dg Fg19r r5R o 5u p6g1 n8l0 zl0 2wl T 1zT Dgto DBo5 o8o4 D8o TQAOI O5R EQAOI I6REQAOI 6R VOLIAGE REG 0 5 0 4 R516 l o a i R823 00 2wU À c l R8 l 2 2 1 c8r8 330 t 6 v 0807 tQÀ01 l0R 2r R...

Страница 37: ...0k0 non lammable resistor fusibleresistor A anternalcomponent r f l panel designation Signalpath Switch Ref No_ Switch Position s201 s301 s302 s303 s401 407 s408 s409 s41 0 s501 505 s601 s602 s801 sB02 s901 F M M O D E M A N U A L T U N I N G MEMORY A U T O T U N I N G L E V E L P R E S E T T U N I N G AUTO TUNING UP AUTO TUNING DOWN COUNTER OFFSET FUNCTION SOUND ENHANCER SPEAKERS VOLUME UP VOLUME...

Страница 38: ......

Страница 39: ...STR S5L SECT ION 5 DED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 37 ...

Страница 40: ... î q METE Y I l t o_ Supplied with iack Supplied with Jack 38 ...

Страница 41: ...I srR s5L I é6ù t compo ent side U Z I q g n o n f ...

Страница 42: ... E A R B H E L I C A L PULLEY TAKE UP FILI4 F r L r 4 A L I G H TI N T E R C E P T T 0 N SHAFT PULLEY KN0B FUNCTI0N Fr l KNOB FUNCTION PHONO KNOB FUNCT ON TAft KN0B FUNCTT0N Mr l Lr t 6 4 866 652 OO SPRING COMPRESSION 27l 4 866 71 9 00H0LDER PCB 28f 4 868 906 00BRACKËT BREAKER 29 4 877 322 01CAP P0WER KNOB 30 4 871 323 00BASE POl lER KNOB 77 72 I J 74 t5 4 874 O4I 01 KNOB AUTO TUNING 4 874 041 11 ...

Страница 43: ... 1 560 060 00 1 5 6 0 0 6 1 0 0 1 560 062 00 1 560 063 00 526 Ô 1 560 064 00 527 Ô 1 560 070 00 528 Ô 1 560 338 00 529 530 Ô 1 604 683 00 531 Ô 1 604 684 00 532 Ô 1 604 68s 00 533 534 f 1 604 688 00 535 Ô 1 604 689 00 PIN CONNECTOR PIN CONNECTOR P N CONNECTOR PIN CONNECTOR PIN CONNECTOR 6P BASEPOSÏ PIN CONNECTOR 7P PCBOARD LED PCBOARD TRANS STOR L PCBOARD TRANSISIOR R PC BOARD AUX JACK PC BOARD BR...

Страница 44: ... 9 8 1 5 5 5 D 3 1 B B 7 1 9 8 1 5 5 5 D 3 1 9 B 7 1 9 8 1 5 5 5 D320 B 719 815 55 D32r B 719 815 55 D401 B 719 81 5 55 D402 8 719 81 5 55 D403 8 719 81 5 55 D404 B 719 815 55 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D r 0 D t 1 s 1 5 5 5 D l O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E I S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 5 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D t1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O...

Страница 45: ... E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E i S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D r O D E L E DB L 0 C K D I O D E L E DB L O C K D I O D E L E DB L O C K D I O D E L E DB L O C K D r O D E L E DB L O C K D r 0 D E L r D B L 0 C K D I O D E L I D B L O C K D r 0 D E L E DB L 0 C K D I O D E L E DB L O C K D I O D E L E DB L O C K DI ODE1T2ZAIVI D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 5 5 D I O D E 1 S 1 5 8 5 D I O D ...


Страница 47: ...00 RT102 7 226 231 00 RT103 r 226 237 00 RT201 1 224 257 XX RT301 r 224 25r XX RT3021 224 252 XX RT303 224 256 XX RT401 7 226 431 00 RT402 L 226 431 00 RT601 7 226 237 O0 RT602l 226 235 OO RT7017 2 6 237 OO Rr702 r 226 23s O0 RV301 r 228 712 00 RV601 7 228 219 00 RV6027 228 174 O0 RV603 1 228 174 00 RV6041 228 173 00 CARBON lOOK CARBON 2OK CARBON ZOK METALGLAZT I4ITALGLAZE I4ETAL GLAZE I4ETAL GLAZ...

Страница 48: ...2 96 l 00 r to2 96240 l l 02 963 00 1 5 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 200 220 l l0l 361 00 l l0l 367 00 t to2 916 00 t to2 9 t1 o0 l l 02 978 O0 0 001 0 0012 0 0015 0 0018 o oo22 t l 02 074 00 I l 02 lI 840 l 102 ll9 00 l l 02 l20 00 l l 02 l2l 00 3 4 5 6 7 to2 936 00 to2 93740 ro2 942 OO r02 943 00 to2 944 OO 36 39 43 47 r l 02 964 00 l t 02 965 00 l l 02 966 00 l l 0l 880 00 t l 0l 882 00 240 270 300 330 360 r ...

Страница 49: ...CAPACITORS I __JF RATING Us the high voltage rated one CAP rrF 3 15 VOLT 6 3 VOLT 10 voLT 16 VOLT 20 voLT 25 VOLT 35 VOLT PART No ART No PART No PART No PART No PART No PART No 0 01 0 0 1 5 o o22 0 033 o o41 l 13l 396 00 1 l3t 397 00 l I 3l 398 00 t I3l 399 00 I l 3l 400 00 0 1 0 1 5 o 22 0 33 1 l3l 409 00 l I3l 4Ul 00 1 l3l 402 00 l l 3l 403 00 l l3I 404 00 l 13t 405 00 0 47 0 68 1 0 1 5 2 2 t3t4...

Страница 50: ...13 00 I 246 514 00 I 246 515 00 I 246 516 00 I 246 517 00 1 246 518 00 I 246 51900 I 246 520 00 l00k I t0k l20k 130k t50k t60k 180k 200k 220k 240k 270k 300k 330k 360k 390k 430k 470k 5l0k 560k 620k 680k 50k 820k 9l0k t 216 52r 0 t 216 522 0 l 216 523 0 1 246 524 00 1 246 525 00 1 246 526 0 t 246 527 40 1 246 528 0 24652940 I 246 530 00 I 246 531 00 l 246 53200 l 246 533 00 t 24653400 I 246 535 00 1...
