Chapter 7 SCSI Interface
In addition to the autoloader commands above, the following commands also
issue this status.
Log Select
Mode Select
Mode Sense
Prevent/Allow (Prevent<>0)
Read Attribute
Read Buffer
Receive Diagnostic
Send Diagnostic
Test Unit Read
Write Buffer
7.4. Multi-Initiator
7.4.1. Reset Handling
The autoloader reports valid standard INQUIRY data to an INQUIRY command
for all multi-initiators one second after reset.
7.4.2. Response to Multiple Hosts
When the autoloader receives an INQUIRY command while processing a
command from the initiator, it reports valid data and does not report a BUSY
status. For example, if host 7 issues a MOVE MEDIUM command for
Disconnect processing, and then host 6 issues an INQUIRY command, the
autoloader responds immediately. If a command other than INQUIRY is
received, the BUSY status is returned.
However, when the autoloader is reserved by the RESERVE command and
receives another RESERVE command, it causes a RESERVATION
CONFLICT status to be returned.