Other Messages
When the following messages appear, perform the prescribed actions.
* If the message “Drive information F8” appears on the display, the cartridge
being used may not be the correct one. Check the type of cartridge being used.
To remove the loaded cartridge, select “3. Move Tape” in the menu and move
the cartridge from the drive to the library slot. Select “2. Eject/Insert Tape”,
and then “1. Eject from Library” to remove the cartridge.
When the following messages appear, contact your dealer.
Warning Message
Cleaning Request
The AIT drive needs cleaning. Refer to “Cleaning the AIT
Drive” (page 63).
Cleaning Tape at EOM The spent cleaning cartridge is set. Replace the spent
cleaning cartridge with a new one.
Clean failure
Cleaning failed. Repeat the cleaning procedure.
Warning Message
Drive information
If the XX code is 3x, 4x, 5x, or 72, insert a new AIT data
cartridge into the library after cleaning the drive.*
For details, refer to “Cleaning the AIT Drive” (page 63).
If the XX code is CE, see the explanation below.
If the XX code is a code other than those explained
above, contact your dealer.
Drive information
Cleaning Tape at EOM
The cleaning cartridge is exhausted. Replace it with a
new one and clean the drive again.
Please check the
transport screw
The transport screw may still be fastened in place. Refer
to “Unpacking” (page 13).
Warning Message
Threshold condition
Turn Table
The turn table has operated more than the specified
number of times.
Threshold condition
The slider has operated more than the specified number
of times.
Threshold condition
The picker has operated more than the specified number
of times.
Threshold condition
The shutter has operated more than the specified number
of times.
Threshold condition
Drive Load
The cartridges have loaded in the drive more than the
specified number of times.
Threshold condition
The fan has operated more than the specified number of
Fan 1 trouble
Fan 1 malfunction.
Fan 2 trouble
Fan 2 malfunction.
Fan 3 trouble
Fan 3 malfunction.
Fan 1-3 trouble
Fan 1, Fan 2 and Fan 3 malfunction.