Sony SL-HF550 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание SL-HF550

Страница 1: ... d ath Recdtbes dnumWinthespem blow Refar to h a 8 n u m b whmew yw call upn your Bony W e r regevding this product M 1 No SL t 5M3 Serial No superBetahl ffi This unlt oan be lrsed with m video cassette It Is campatbfa with t bIBB and type recording and playback formats and will play beck Fta1 in msr i m u Presettingthe tMve chnerls in your area m m mm 30 Swifications 3 i Tkble chb back ewer ...

Страница 2: ...end blavblon meptbn R hm beenZype tested and P o o n d t o w i t h t h e I l m b t s a C a B oomputlw devioe In accordance wtth the specificatiwvs in 8rrbpert J of Part 16 of FCC Rules which red e s i i b provlda le proteetian against smh intwkmnce In a m i d e n t i d Irwtalleth W v d r tbm is n o that inWfmme wlll not cccw In a pertlcular Installation If this equipment cawre interference to radi...

Страница 3: ...lndhg FsiiGl Clem the cabjnet panel and cmWb with a ssft dry cloth w a soft cloth lightly mdstened with a mild dempnt solution Do not use m y type of sobent such as abhol ar benzine w h i i might dmwge the finish Do not throw way the cwtm and packlng matmiah They meke an idsel mntainer in which ta t r m the unit When a h r mfhs ml t o m o t h e r tocsttlon repack i t I l a n t h e c e r t o n WHAT...

Страница 4: ...stop mode presa thls button to advance or M n d the tape approximately to the aounter point m w mbutton Press this button to wet the time counter to D w and dso to eteerr the tlmer setting L mButtons for various playback modes S T V m button Press this button to watch ttm proOram sdmtd on the m o r c k r The W indidon I X U N S in the diplay window The VTW indication appeats automaticallywhen the ...

Страница 5: ...ETA Hldl switch at ON When playing baek a Beta hl fi t a p e U w indicator lights up regardlw of the position of the BETA HI FI switch CLOCKS SET Press to start the set tin of the current time O C H E C K button b e s t o check the contents of the timer pmiettings mnmERsmbutaon Press to sWt the Mtng or resetting of the timer recording I3C H A a krWons Preas to select the ehennels and to set the cl...

Страница 6: ...m S U P RBETA W h 1 MPX FILTERselecrw H K I MONITOR nelmztor VHF UHF Qur m m LINEAUDK IN Jwks phw typa LINE AUDIO OUT jda type ...

Страница 7: ...ecud SAP sound s toSAP Aura sTER o swstch NormallysettoON Whenthesignal iaweakma peRlcular chennel set t o OFF r n c d r d Turn this knob to obtain the best poesibte plcture If streak8 w anow appears W n g m s H A R P N E m l l A d j u s t 3 t h e d t h e p i c t u e i f Normdly set the cantrot a ttm canter d d m t position l w s d r o t o r S e k t the channel Iw h e VCR program and the output OU...

Страница 8: ...cting the recarding speed MI or m with the REC MODE sefector y w can decide the recording time 30mln 45 min 1 hr 30 min L 7w 3 hr 4 hr 3 0min L a 3 hr 20 mln I 6 hr The playback spwd is automatically set regardleshi oi the REC MOM selectar s position To re record on a c a d 8 whlch has Itsd y tab mmwd C o w ttw hole with a piece of plastic w If you ecHvate REC QUICK TIMER or TIMER REG ON O R when ...

Страница 9: ...cable television transmission may require auth bn from the cable television transmitter and or program owner Mumhem in the illsubation show the sequence of operation OPCRAImN 2 Select the FlEC MODE 3 Inset3 a c e INPUT SELEeT TLWIIER 4 P r s NNlV to dect the VTR BETA HIR onthe reatj 5 Select the G I W I to be r e c d d w i t h m REG LEVEL 5 button TmontheTVandselactthedmidfwthe 6 Slide rn REC butt...

Страница 10: ...cording pawre mmle ml the pictun s e by INPUT SELECT wlll appaar on the monltor sawn 4 Press II HPAUSE to release t bp a w mode Recording stem M w e AUTO STEREO is set t o ON In the yem3 to come an i m i n g number of p r will be bro msW in stmm Called Mutlichmnel TV Saund a MTS the n m technolo y will greatly enhance TV viewing by bringing you programs with high fidelity stereo saund MTS also pro...

Страница 11: ...witch a t ON To change to channel 3 o r 2 on your TV from the charmed on which you have besn W n g mmthing y o r a l v a t r d d l o m e beck t ner amz ALCrO PCAY STOP T o p l a y i m c k a t a p e f r m h e d W afser P E J v PLAY while holdinq 4 REW After the is cwnpkbly Am Hnd it will be tally played C h a n m l p m r l b viewed I Taw w n t w During playback the rwwded s p d m d e is automatical...

Страница 12: ...l d u r m a t a f a s k t o M a p a r t i c u l a r m Keep pm8ing n FF or REW durlng playback When you r e the button the n m t playback will be r e s u d VlevrlnO pCetum m or rewid Keep pressing FF or 4 REW during tast forwerd or rewind d e When you re the button the f s s t M or rewind m will b resumd Streaks will appear and swnd will be in the Betascan and Beta Skipscan pictures Press PAUSE STl...

Страница 13: ...e W t w i i are mhmtd the indkabr will not light when the buttons on k l w Comnander we m HtheRemoteComm rderbnottobsrwsd for alangperloddtkne rmoveUw batteries to evoid pmlble d m a w e d by battery leakage wnrmmwwl hfhn fl mame bwYl rr IBWkKfJ button The buttons on the Commander the REC butbanewillhrnctianthesameasthebut8 lson m c d w with the similer mor mark The auto play cannot be wl l the a ...

Страница 14: ...e Is in the c o m t T h e counter will not a d v m U n g any of a t a p i t t h m t i s b l a n k o r S o t h c e r n beusedtoRndun Eiecti lsonatape TAPE MTURN TAP R m R N PLAY T a m t h r m a t a p w t k u l p o M p l a y h from a wd mr polnt 1 During reoording or playback ptws CLEARjRESETa t the point you want to kate later 2 When momling or playback b finished stop the tepe and press TAPE RETUR...

Страница 15: nllbely 3 Set the day with the or button 4 P r m NEXT end set the tum on hwr with the w button W e sure that AM w PM I s property set A M 12 00 midnight PM 12 00 noon NaCTkrtDar Ew m m s m b a htton 5 Press NEXT and set the minute with the o r pmW nexbvdll Mink I krtaorw To set the day of the W the time a d the channel press t h e f button to adv and the button to go back Day lndlclatlon By pre...

Страница 16: will start a t ttw preset time a d will the power will be turned off autometlmlly atop when he mcding is eamplw e m e m o r d t h e o e p t e n d When the tape m i a durlng ther recordlq every week setting will be d and the propam The bw sbw but the tape wlll not be rewound to the psiti in the timer will m C 8 OM by W binning NOTESON n m RE W the cordercanbe To tun on the TWwhmlWERIlECIspresse...

Страница 17: ... u l c k t i m e r d h r g h a s a a r t e d Only the fdlowin function buttons c m be activated QUICK TIMER to change recording dwation TIMER REC to interrupt quick timer recwdlng PAUSE to stop quick timer recording momentarily CHECK to check timer programs preset SPECIFIC NOTES UN TIM ACTIVAm R E When the prrraettlngsof ywr timer advated m m owlap There will be no erm indicatim to inform you of t...

Страница 18: ...t REC LEVEL I AUDIO MONITOR to H I 4 and m A MOMTOR to for manltorlng BETA c 1 ON the be Menually a d i d t b recwdlng I d Set FlEC LEVEL w KIttrat ffirst red demsnt li up only at the h b W signal kvd When recording from an FM tunew wt W X FILTER to ON If p u r FM tunw ha8 en INPUT SELECT Internal W X fIlM set to UNE PCM to OFF IBH rn is recommended for audio recording ...

Страница 19: ...NPUT SELECT to LINE AUDIO Only the sound from the FM tuner is recorded INPUT SELECT to L I E AUDK TIMER ACTIVATED FM ECORMNG Use an optional prwram tlmer to turn the audio system on and off Audio system The setting of the mtmk is the same as In RECORDING FROM YOUR AUDIO SYSTEM Set the recorder s timer and a p r w r m timer to the same turn on and turn off time The sethngs o n the recorder s timer ...

Страница 20: ...r to the inshctim manual fmished with the digltal audio procassor CAMERA RECORDING When connecting e Sony color video camera the use of the SmyHVA 220 aa is required For details on oannectim refw to the instruction manual furnishEd with the AC adaptor Amplifier Nobe If you Intend t o playbWc on a VCR with t b S u switch set to OFF or on 0 t h rwn Superbta VCRs set the SuperBeta switch t o OFF w t ...

Страница 21: ...Another VCR To edt a home movle tqm from thr 8UJFSSO to ttm VQ1 E T A HI FI to ON to VIDEO lN to A U W Ud SUPER BETA to a Twn SHARPNESS Nom llb AUDIO MONITOR to HCFl and Hl R MONlTOR t o towrud SOFT a little STEREO TOrecord the SAP sound wlth a monaural VCR from the p R i o n you AUDIO MONITOR to NORMAL use normally Television films v i d a tepes and o h r rnatwials may beoopyrighted U m duplbath ...

Страница 22: ...playbeck AvoW repetitionof edlting taps a i the pickre and VCR for the mtomtlc editing tone quality will be impaired n o t i d l y for newly e d M m T h optimal RM 100 ElW vidw edCtIng wntrdler all easier diinq bhwmtwo VCRn The requid camdng cuds memy d m depending an VCRs RdW to the inslrdw manual o l the VCR u e o o f t h s S i a d r fthis jeok is connecfed to the COWRUW OUT jack ofaSmycolwTV or...

Страница 23: ...e recorder and the TV Most combination antennas are equipped with a UJV band separator signal splitter Take off the separator and connect the cable directly to the recorder F type connector U V h d separator optima J AJ If you need a separatoror a complete antenna system sea your SMly la M a qualified technician When the cable I s a m h r n Wen the cable is a 7Whm Use the removed separator to conn...

Страница 24: ... e c t o r of the mwdw 4 Connect it to the V W and UHF antennaterminals of the TV UHF Cardkn C o n n m e e n the FecMder WIF UHF OllT m m t w and the antennataminah of a TV recevier should be m d e only E S sbwn In thee Instructions Fallwe t o do so may mutt in operation that vlolmh the regulation of the F m Cmmunicahm Commbsion m i n g the me and operatton of rf devices Never can the autput o f t...

Страница 25: to TV Note to CATV sysbm Wakr In t ll U W A This reminder Is provided to call the ceble TV system particular specifiesthet the cable m n d shall be Installer s M i o n to Article 820 22 of the NEC that connectd to the grounding system of the building aa providee guidelinesfw proper grounding and in close to the point d cable enby as practical 3ww r 4 twin lW Connect the lead ln wtre 2 Pass th r...

Страница 26: ...Trlnltron Component etbaamecmnectionaainthecaseofth l V reearder the conventionalW receiver described on When a compment TV is combined with the apa cw p a 0 o s 2 3 a n d 2 4 F o r d a t m i l s o n t h s h o f t h e 8ysWn ss illmtmtd yw c m enjoy recordedwith TV tuner and the monitor refer to the instwetion El hi fi atma m m W of the lV luner Component tV ...

Страница 27: ...u can record from an audio source such as an fM tuner CD player with the Beta hi fi system w i W M l n g v i h signals W player An 01 FM iwer to V I E 0 OUT Sial Plow to LINE to UI AUDIO IN 4 v NE AUOO OUT 1 I 11 Component TV W 1 m q j I c a h ner w ra radio noisa Before connecting o r dlarc lnecti l card In this GWB keep the oftheVCR t m m m t o t w n o f f t h s c o n radio adjW the AM amplifier...

Страница 28: ...the RF UNlT setting Ttm TV program m e d on the m d w or the tape w a r n wtll be displayed on the lV screen If a picture does not on the l V screen o i if the display is not clew fine tune the channel m the TV Fu details abwt TV channel adjuslmmt s e i the imhtctlcm manual of the l V meek I Check that the pro rrtm Check that the display on the dbplayed on the screen changes screen change6 when yu...

Страница 29: ...midnight PM 1 2 W nmn 3 Press NEXT Set the minute with the t o r button until PMSW appears 4 Press NEXT For accurate setting press NEXT a t the s u m time with an annwncd time signal The clock will now show the current time The dots of the colon alternately blink evary 30 sezonds wm The and butbmcantmmdintwoways When you keep a button m the dbib will advance continuously unit the button is m k s 4...

Страница 30: ...L o r button on the front of the murder fw the h i r e d channel t o be tuned in 3 P m s CLEAR The channel numder display will be changed to u and therecorderIsreSabothebwd f i G k c y of the VHF band AFT w W F C l E A R CHANNEL 4 Pmsa TUNING t m The first channel appadngon the swem will k memized If thls Is not tha channel you wish r e p d prmlng TUNING t or Every t l m yw press TUNING a hlgh num...

Страница 31: ...ANNEL CHART Cable TV systems use letters w numbersto designate channels To tune in a channel refer to this chert F Q H l J K L M N O P Q A C k h w i t h t h r k a l c a b t e T V c o m p a n y f a r m c m p h b information an the available channds fhe desigrmtion of a cable TV channel8 canfwm to the EIA NCTA mmendation Noee Payxycablelv usesuamMeduenooded signals and require m i d mw m d m in radd...

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