Structure of the JumboTron screen
Two types of the JumboTron screen are available. One is the conventional
CRT type screen in which light emitting bodies of three primary colors (R,
G and B), “Trinilite,” are used as the light emitting element. The other is
the new LED type screen in which light emitting diodes of the three
primary colors are used.
The basic element of the JumboTron screen is an RGB trio (dot).
A “cell” consists of the dots arranged at a certain interval (picture element
pitch) and a “unit (JumboTron display unit)” consists of 12 cells for the
CRT type and 16 cells for the LED type.
There are four unit types, the JTU-35 series (with 35-mm picture element
pitch) and JTU-17 series (with 17.5-mm pitch) of the CRT type, and the
LDU-15 series (with 15-mm pitch) and LDU-30 series (with 30-mm pitch)
of the LED type. You can configure a large JumboTron screen by
arranging the JumboTron display units vertically and horizontally to suit
various uses or locations.
CRT type
Overview of the JumboTron System
Picture element pitch
RGB trio
2 dots
4 dots
3 cells
(6 dots)
4 cells (16 dots)
JumboTron screen
max. 80 units
(240 cells =
480 dots)
max. 96 units
(288 cells =
576 dots)
NTSC: max. 40 units (160 cells = 640 dots)
PAL: max. 48 units (192 cells = 768 dots)
JTU-35 series