(10) Write the serial number
• Write the lens serial number on the Main board.
Not required
Operation on Lens side
Not required
Shooting Mode of the camera P mode (Program Auto)
Note 1:
Perform this item when adjustment data can not be read from
the Main board before replacement.
Writing Method
1. Input the serial number of the checking lens in the serial number
input field of Adjustment and Inspection.
Note 2:
Input the serial number with 7 digits.
Serial number
input field
2. Click the [Serial Write] button.
3. When the writing is completed, “ [SERIAL NUMBER Write
OK]” is displayed in the message area.
4. Click the [Lens Data] button.
5. Check that the serial number of the checking lens inputted is
displayed in the serial number display field.
Serial number
display field
(11) Check the log information
• It can save/check the log information of the Main board.
Not required
Operation on Lens side
Not required
Shooting Mode of the camera P mode (Program Auto)
Saving Method
1. Click the [EEPROM read ALL] button in the Adjustment and
2. The folder browsing dialog is displayed, select the folder to save
the data and click the [OK] button.
3. When the saving of data is completed, “EEPROM Loading is
complete!!” is displayed.
4. The data is saved with the following file name.
• [Model name]_EEP_[Serial number]_[Region code]_[Date and
Checking Method
1. Click the [Log Viewer] button, EEPROM_LOG_Viewer starts
2. Click the [Load File] button of EEPROM_LOG_Viewer, the file
selection dialog is displayed.
3. Select the saved file and click [OK] to display log information.
2019/06/28 22:04:56 (GMT+09:00)