Sony DTC-1000ES Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание DTC-1000ES

Страница 1: ...eries Approx 67x 175 x 18mm w h d 2s x 6 rx n r inches Approx 145g 5oz incl batteries Weight Supplled accessorles Remote commander 1 RM R1 Sonybatteries SUM 3 NS 2 Audioconnecting cords 2phonoplugsx2phonoplugs stereo for lineinputsandoutputs 2 Screwsto securethe cabinet 4 Remote commander supplied RM R1 Remote controlsystem Infrared control Tape Track pitch Sampting lrequency Modulation system Tra...

Страница 2: ... Power Block 43 S e h e m a t i e D i a g r a m P o w e r B l o c k 4 4 SchematicDiagram Digital Block 47 MountingDiagram Anatog MicrocomputerBlock SchematieDiagnam Analog MicrocomputerBlock ExplodedViews and Parts List 69 Eleetrical Parts List 79 FlexibleCircuit Board Repairing r Keepthetemperature of thesoldering iron around270 C duringrepairing Donottouchthesoldering irononthesame conductor of ...

Страница 3: ...ors WRITE Pressto writea skip lD onto the tape ERASE Pressto erasea skip lD whichis writtenat th pointjust beforethe cunentposition fumeac buttons O 9 ftess to designate th program numb r fl nec LEVEL recordlngloyel controls Adiustthe recording le rel Theouterknobcontrolsthe left channellevelandthe innerknobthe rightchannel level ITITIMERswltch Normallyset to OFF Usedto startr cording or playback ...

Страница 4: ...s being searched for lâslcopv PRoHlBlr digital copy prohlbit indicator Blinks when the digital signal to be recordedcontains a digital copy prohibit code In this case digital Îc digital recordingcannot be done EClclurtot t indlcatol Blinks when moislurecondensalionoccurs lf this happens the deck stops automalically lâTselncn indicaior Lights up while a selectionis being searchedlor IâClsrnnr tDind...

Страница 5: ...hrough 9 data in main mierocomputer is displayed by four bits hexadecimal 0tems l 3 4 5 and 6 are mechanieal mieromcomputer data 2 and g are main mieroeomputer data and 8 is reel microcomputerdata REMAINING PGMTIME COUNTER MEMORY l 1 l t Fj g fl e EMPHASIS E E E 5 5 tl l COPY PrcH B CAUTIC SEARC E E 6 3 o ovE lo R a æ 50 40 30 20 b D i s p l a y p o s i t i o n D e s e ri p t i o n o M e e h a n i...

Страница 6: ...ns in the TEST mode are described below as eompared with those in the normal mode 1 Cassette compartment is not activated 2 Cassette is not deteeted 3 CAUTION indication does not aPPear The DTC 10008S eannot enter the TEST mode from PLAY mode When the AMS button l is Pressed uslng a 1 5 times normal speed tape FS sampling freqnency indication changæ to flashing 32 Wlz and the set enters the FWD mo...

Страница 7: ... T H E C I R C U I TI f t R C H I S O H I T T E D B E C A U S TI I I S I H E s À M E À S T I Â T i l L C H sEnvo qæx o t _ s782 I i l p o F F I Ê I R É c rI t _ f l L C P O p u l a P F O R t E r c t t C O T T i O L TTIî1 a 6 acx aÈô nÉx J 5 T L A I O I R F I I H XTAL AFi C MrCn0CoMPUTlR Pt I s 7 ...

Страница 8: ... xooE i É E à 9 E l z â â g t n x T x Àtll aær il0I FFO ERPF DlG1lÀ l 0 tsl2l 3 iÈ l ç ai LEVEL I EN 0 l l tc354 c x 0 t o 0 tG8 TEVEL TEIER CdTROL rc703 rsil58422 ÀF8 Âæ9 ft OART CSET PREil sæ Er AfI OE E É ê6t t 0 t 7 5 r 7 8 1 F L T O I FtscEtt LÀtt 01 J 8 ...

Страница 9: ...É lÊcx r æ mF r7 0 rtr r et0T PSOT caol RTPB DTC XIOE T902 ol l016rrAL ourl iltr i l P I RECSIGÈÂL PO SlGIAL 4 LEVTL f ETTR L 14 lFMutrl 9 ...

Страница 10: ...Itrc l xxlEs Sewo cfslat toR re rl5TRÆ YlfrH GSETTE oETEd Sv C6ÊTTE DETECT ST ru ENAN EIECT SOfl APE DEIEfrSI ca ETTE 1Ær Wt EECT St CGEITE TÂ81 OUTOEECÎ firMDriG rllrT oETECÎ 10 ...

Страница 11: ...prc rqpEli I fù o u uoto v 1 Dt c0N0t15t p c o t t c t r t r T P REELTOIæ ÉffFr corrmL r i 1 l l O ÊEE xoroP FvS9 l 5 OS 5zll ftDloqNt ...

Страница 12: ...NlCROCOilPUTER FON ORUM CÀ6TAN SEM R O T I ÊËEa Él Ë r r i p j E É Ë E Ë n t r r u P 3 J 5 3 LI ft60 f 0 s EO c5t2 IMP C460AF R FwD rrcRocorPultR RE5ÎOP FOFUECHÂN SM RacEtr Ql Itt0 R W PLffiII ACr PLilOt xac E0 lRsl l9E0 t c 5 t 0 IIP 7C8 rrcRocdPurEF foF qEELsrm 11 ...

Страница 13: ... Oavrr l l 3 x 8 4 v OBVTT 3x6r 6tuttô 3 X Oevrrg x s 3 tn all O a e e x s Dress plate t OBvrr3x 8 4 in an D C M 4 x o with ring Front panel 13 I orc tqroqs I sEciloN 3 DISASSEMBLY tain tierpcomputer Bosrdl Push the tab in the direction indieated by thc affow and Demove the boârd ll at five locations R Operatim BoùdI Push the tab in tl e direction indicsted by the arrcw 4 a I t l ToI theboard B at...

Страница 14: ...oqrd TR heat sink TR sugport plate BVTT3 X IO S s in au Jcopp rh TR getscrew Analog board Operation board IEscutcheon escuteheon BTP2 6 X 8 2 in all K Push board supporter B in indicated by the arrow and Front panel 14 ...

Страница 15: ...DTC XTOES IlaAtg Xotorl Cassettecompartment Loading motor controt otorl Control motor Control motor mounting Plate o O P z x z Preeislonscrew Remove the belt ...

Страница 16: ...lustration indicate the installatlon order Check a UD gear for lts hole position OPs2 6x 4 g Motor mountlng plâte Irstall the UD gear with the hole set here I Compresslon eoll spring Soerrwraxs I Spacer MD mounting plate R tDazx a DAT deek meehanism Support plate Drum drive board g eaz sx s OP2 6x s Ogvrtgx ro in all Transistor board ...

Страница 17: ... Raise guide Tl so that the RF signal waveform is as shown below Raise guide T2 and align it with the lower edge of the tape Iower guide Tl so that the RF signat waveform is normal Check that the tape is aligned with the lower edge of guide T3 lf it is not repeat Step 4 Adjwtnert Point Mechanismassembly Guide Tl Guide T2 Guide T3 L 2 Sl Guide Adjustment AdjustDent 1 Turn on the power switch insert...

Страница 18: ...s aligned with the lower edge of guide T3 and i8 not curled Adiustneit Point Meehanismassembly r 1 Sl Guide Adjugtment A dJustnent 1 Turn on the power swltchr insert blank tape TY 308 8 892 358 00 and Put the set into the PLAY mode 2 Align grride 33 with the lower edge of the tâpe Note Check that the tape is atigned with the lower edge of guide S3 end is not curled Adiutmot Point MechanismassemblY...

Страница 19: ...e power switch insert blank tape TY 308 8 892 358 00 and put the set into the PLAY mode 2 Align guide 13 with the lower edge of the tape Note Check that the tape is aligned with the lower edge of guide T3 and is not curled Adjustmett Point Meehanismassemb Guide T3 ...

Страница 20: ...31 8 909 08 2 hitial settings are as follows Timer Sktp INPUT select REC volume HEADPHONEvolume Counter mode 3 ç2 1 Ff RBf Torque A dnltm nt A ljustment 1 Ttrrn m the power switch and insert FF REW torque meter TW 231 2 Put the set into the TEST mode 3 Put the set into the FF and RBW modes and check that the torque is l to 18 gem If it is not adiust RV509 FF mode and RV510 REW mode 4 After adjustm...

Страница 21: ...511 so that the back tension at 4 Cheek that the FWD torque takeup the supply side is 3 to 4 gcm I rewinding torque is 12 to 14 gem 5 Check the torque meter reading while it makesone eycle 6 After adjustment is eompleted eancel the TEST mode Adjustroent Point MD servo boerd eomponentside 5 Check the torque meter reading while it makesone eycle 6 If the torque is not 12 to 14 gcm readjut the FF tor...

Страница 22: into the SrOP f Press ttre REW button eontinuously in I mode the FlttD mode S eO5ust RV506 so that the tester reading is 0 4 Check that the rewinding totque at the I I 2 mV supply side is 16 to 18 gcm 5 If the torque is not 16 to 18 gcm readJust I Note When performirg tttis adjustment be the REW torque I sure to adjust tie capstan speed at 6 After adjustmentis completed caneel tte I xl x1 5 O 5...

Страница 23: ...o o o o o o 1 2 I Capstan Spced Adjwtueat r 15 Adjustment 1 Conneet a frequency counter to pin 3 CFC of CNT53 2 lrrn on the power switch insert blank tape TY 308 for 1 5 times normal spæd and put the set into the PLAY mode 3 Adjust RV504 so that the frequeney eounter reading is 101 t Z H Note When recognition hole 3 of blank tape TY 308 is opened the set is into the 1 5 times normal speed mode Whe...

Страница 24: ...W D mode I t button press tJre FF or BEWbutton press the FF button eontinuously in I tor every one or two seconds to ôtain the the FWD mode I eapstan speed at 16 times normal speed 3 Adjust RV502 so that the frequeney counter I S lOjust RV503 so that the signal waveform on reading is f685 t 10 Hz I ttre oscilloocope is as shown below Note This edjustment can be made indePendentlY Adjurtmant Point ...

Страница 25: ... 5 Press the AMS button then press the PLAY button 6 Adjust guides 51 and T1 so that the shape of an RF signal waveform on the oseillæcope is close to a square when the offset jig volume eontnol is turned I rrn the ATF control carefully so that the waveform veries slowly Remove the two leads YEL and RED of the jig from CNT51 1 Checf that peak value B of the BF signal waveform is 60 mV or more 2 Ch...

Страница 26: the tap Pattern and adjust so that it satisfies the speeified value for approximate adjustment 6 Put the set into the PLAY mode and finely adjust RV50f so that the signal waveform on the oscilloseope is 650 f 15 usec Notes When the drum related block is replacedt remove the former solder bridges from the DPG tap Pattern on the MD servo board Press the AMS button before the PLAY button is presse...

Страница 27: ... Adjust so that the luminescent spot is located on the scale center Never align the spot with the center when the input is set to cND 4 Put the set into the PLAY mode and adjust RV508 A CH and RV50 B CH so that the signal wavefonm is 600 mV after two or tiree seeonds a cll B C H DC range 200mV D lV Center scale A C H B C H Note If the signal waveform defleets vertically adjust it in the deflection...

Страница 28: ...stment l Set the INPUT select switch to ANALOG and input a 1 ldtz signal odB from tlre osoillator through an attenuator 2 Connect an oscillæcoPe to the LINE OUT terminal 3 Turn on the power switehr insert blank tape TY 308 and put the set into the BEC MUTE mode 4 Turn the REC volume control until the trOVERrtindicator llghtsr then attenuate the input signal by l SdB using an attenuator 5 Adjust RV...

Страница 29: ......

Страница 30: ...the signal wavefôrm at TP801 satisfies the specification Ttre specified waveform is the same as in Step 6 9 Alternate putting the set into the CUE and REVIEW modes two or three times and check that the signal waveform at TP801 satisfies the specification Itre specified waveform is the same as in Step 6 N G 10 Î rrn off the power switch and solder ridge the tap pattern 11 Tlrn on the power switch a...

Страница 31: ...FF put the set into the FF AMS and REW AMS modes and check the signal waveforms at TP801 and C8r9 in the AMS mode Voltages defleet significantly in the plus direction Connected to oscilloscoPe c E l 9 R 8 r 8 RVEO4 at F o __ Q ...

Страница 32: ...DTC t XTOES ...

Страница 33: ...sing oscilloscope Voll6gs variations may be noted due to normal produc tion lolerances p i a y b a c k s r g n a l p a r n r e c o r d s r g n a lp a r h 1l iNote The components identified by shading and mark r l iiif A are critical for safety Replace only wiÛr r j Semiconùrctor Ref No D001 D401 D402 D501 D502 Notr Color code of sle o pans ext i G parts extr I part mour A Through l D503 D504 D505 ...

Страница 34: ... E 18 E 19 E 18 E 1I H 14 t 1 5 J 1 5 r 1 5 r 16 c 20 E 20 E 19 E 1 9 D 20 D 20 D 20 F 12 o525 o526 4527 o528 o529 o530 o53l o532 o533 o534 o535 0536 o537 o538 o539 o540 o541 4542 o543 o544 Q545 os6 Q547 o548 o549 o550 o55l o552 o560 Q561 0803 0804 o805 o851 0852 0856 0857 F 12 F 1 1 F 1 1 G 1 1 G 1 1 H 1 1 H 1 1 H 12 H 12 H 12 J 1 1 J 1 1 J 12 J 12 J 12 E 12 E 12 D 12 t 13 J 1 3 t 12 r 1 3 t 1 3 ...

Страница 35: ......

Страница 36: ...DTC xxlEs TOP45 6 u ...

Страница 37: ...S 23 22 21 19 t o 15 Il 19 g ororralrÆsur o v È 6 ooeoo o 6 9 f Fl 9 9 J Ë Éô ô 6 ao5 Uf Ié cEâ o F 3 9 9 ff Ël F r 9 Q e Êf é 6 6 ô 3 g g F hsÉ 0 r 6 6 6 e 6 6 i ç à F i J a J 1 T 1 l s ll 1e 15 r 9 35 16 1r 21 ...

Страница 38: ...I 9 lororralrzoepano DTC t xxrES 19 Q 2 fcrft orl oo 84 i c 8 0 4 d ùl F ora lilfli I I T T I l l 6 e E c6or I d tsp E glo 6 li gtlz 1 Rv95 I RV95l jt t r a e a 7 ô o lç o F g o tii Û l_ I o ...

Страница 39: ...C I xloEs 5 2 SCHEiIATIC DTAGRAM MD SERVO BLOCK 1 onuu onrve aonno oowt tti c s004 Isw c eoano I ouT I s o o l t__ MECHANISM ASSEMSLY SOTTOM c45 c46 c q Y r43 o 5v r r 2 t i l 5V M 6 c s c5o uouoroneoanol ...

Страница 40: ...48 ctor J o o22T x33 t32 c590 3 3 35V rc533 IPC556C c i l 5 0 t 5 P E H 1 r00 6 3v I tc538 LBI64ON 053325C2291 0s342SC24s6 053725Al0 8C5382SC2291 05392SC2r rt531 lPC324C 1C532 FC39 R6r I R690 820 5V 0510 rC535 osal 95 2 lcs36 DTCIz ES IC71HC00 01il2 ES S01387 IC 053 0545 a54a Dæ 096 DTCl24ÊS oTCr24ES lOE26Dr22r t 2 a 05302SC2I58 053125 1018 0532 05352SC2458 45362SÀ1018 o5ærq56l BAlF4l Bô3rr J D5o ...

Страница 41: ...5 D916 D917 D91A D919 tc901 rc902 rc903 o9o1 æo2 o9o3 og t xns xr06 D07 o 08 0909 G 4 G 4 G 5 G 5 G 6 G 6 G 7 H 7 J 7 E 4 D 4 E 5 D 5 E 6 D 6 E 7 D 7 G 6 H 6 G 1 t 7 G 4 J 7 J 7 J 7 F t J 6 J 5 J 5 H 1 5 3 MOUNTING Semienùretor Loeatiqr 1 A B c T90l D s E v F G H l r I J K 42 ...

Страница 42: ...AGRATIT POTEB BLOCK Gr t ...

Страница 43: ... eoano I 6 4 R 9 r 32 2 k c906 470 æV 0903r0E2 0906 lssilg IrnaHsrsronlet aoano I D9O9HZ58LL cN953ftf 61r nmo sv tr LGNG c N 9 8 t R l zv e o L 5 v R9t 471 C9Z9 to t6v c909 4700 l6v t0 l6v 1 ï3i ïï eorno 6 oro c N 9 r l c924 4700 25V c925 4700 25V c N 9 3 l l w E H I I3 3i1 i i 1 t Il âl1ïg oo Hzt3 31 A r3 EËr L I r 4s tc9 0 3 c926 4700 t6v ctl902 w E l To rilEcHANlsM oss t UPSIDE P47 4 ...

Страница 44: ...Layottt DRUM DRIVES DIGITAL BOARD__ DIGITAL I O BOARD X 1 I I rrMER st BoARD HP JACK BOARD t REMOTE CONTROL BO MD SERVO BOAR MI c9 t 0 o01 400v cu7 0 oot 400v 106lSSll9 9r9 0907 silg RBV 602 SUDE MOTORBOARD o l u ili 45 ...


Страница 46: ...ONTHISBOÀRD MOTOR BOI fl0 ilc u 0 r0T0R Dowil tt c 5004 swrct aoanol uo senvo onuuDRrvE BoARDI DTC I xxlEs BoAROI uouoroneolno c45 c46 ç47 t r45 o 5v xr2 til Y 1 6 c49 cso À z o r o U U O I t o o o I r I I o o I t s t i z t s J O 2 o r z o o o Ê o o o c o o o o o o o o c c o u o o c i 5 4 r l t P P H l ...

Страница 47: ...39 0529 cst9 0 022 05 0 rc535 05ar 05a2 tcs36 tcs37 Q543 054 0S 0S6 0545 DTCT2aES ÏC7 HC00 DIlrz ES 2S r387 TC60S3 I B3763pS DlCtz Es DfCtz4eS W2 âDt22t âùM t 2 3 os2s Lrrr rcs2e Drcr2 ES I rc105r rcr05r 0530zSC2a58 05312Sll0 8 05352SC2158 05362S 10r8 0560 q561 BAlF4tl 5v R63la7 fr i i F È L o 6 o 1 1 tFro 022F 1 ù t9r ii c36 c37 R690 820 ...

Страница 48: ...DTC I xxrEl 2S r0 8 050 2sr995 05052SC2259 Ds02l0E2 i R r 839fu J3 8i i t ltlo r Ioù1 0 1 399 ...

Страница 49: ... Ë ÊEilit H g tu crDros2o rJl l fiig esss e ilF qii R9rg 4 l r4lY l A c909 4700 r 6 v L 1 f X rVffin 1ç T8 dt d rl fi r 15 3i lb r rli1 i r i3 Ét333 T o J t 1i363 Èt it bî o 3 li Q906 2SC 2458 c924 4700 25V 81à3 r 1 c925 4700 25V A TI c927 4 00 t6v JA c926 4700 t6v ...

Страница 50: ...r c l l c 9 l t t q r L t t cill t2 2PtEtt I 3 3 u B p r  l p 2 I À T P I c N 5 9 3 P l E h l c28 ËEAT 2 51 I I t5 ll I ù 67 aTOnr ctl t28X f 94t 6 S GilO RPC cRc r00 rTr1 1 5 r 9 l 3 5 052 c20 c t 9 OREF swP 3 2 I OLY PG cr8 39 ct583 4P PHt f f f D 52r 0523 0522 l2 ESDTCI2TES DTAI24ES 503 isil9 0 0523 XRET t0 4 t 0520 2SC2158 r0vI û 1603 Dl 2 RFT r37Ï l cre l rn c r 4 l I r 6 L i 8 2 6 P E H R Â...

Страница 51: ...ATICDI AGRAM DIGITAL BLOCK 11213 u aJ o TO MO SERVOSOARD cN502 P4l I nr aue BoARDI orcrralr osuBBC o I c969 0 I TOPOWER BOARO cN902 P4 l lF 11 r RV955 l 0 r cHASSt S R973 ii o A I F B A É R Ê C R C PB G RC DÎ PE D1 G SWP 5 v G 6 I L ALL RESISTORS ...

Страница 52: ... Q N u a N L J O O r E H Icnez3rwr M9 SRVS XFCO EMPO COPYO XREO L AT VDD R II âQLD AO CAIB AI P R C N O D0 sK tD0 D STID t ii93T J T X C L MC MC X T X T VD F35I MC MC MC MC Mc c x D r 1 4 6 3 i Ê O C L _ s o N o u v u t s u Q O O O J d O Ê A o o o o o z a u E x Q f ù ù ù ù t s U U ç P IOW ARE USEDOf ÎHIS SOARD ...

Страница 53: ... OIGTAL OUT P 8 S i G N A L XSER RFtv I cB54 RFDI V D D C X D I I I O O V D D L R C K O LADAT RADAÏ IF ËP s lE a û J l G L I N E I N R C SIGNAL R CHI L I N E N R E C SIGNAL L CH L YJ YJ D TOANALOG BOARO 10 ANALOG EOARD cNr82 P56t cil 184 P58t DTC O X ES lttlrslrglnlztl ...

Страница 54: ...27 TO MD SERVOEOARD TO MICROCOMPUTER BOARD c 1 5 8 2 P 4 l C 1 i 7 8 l P 6 l o 9 Y Ê N 6 a u É o _ 6 o N 9 r r 6 Z i Z à F B B v E Ë È È o u o Q x i e 50 ...

Страница 55: ... X o X E àxcE6 3 TO ANALOG BOARO c N t S t P 5 7 D Y t s t s 3 q U E E E i J x Ê u Ë i c r L z 56 Ê J î t f ù Ë Ë T L r 3 f 5 l i 4 ç E Y 1 vss REN XTzO cru xT2 Ros ÆLF ÈUt vcol a Dlrr A3 TST2 A I T S I I a 0 F r B È o e û o N _ X R S T o r P a o Y o o o o o D o 51 ...

Страница 56: ...herwisenoted pF PpF 50 WV or lessare not indicated except for electrolYtics and tantalums All resistorsare in fl and W or lessunlessotherwise soecified internalcomponent fusibleresistor Ref No f Dioi D102 D103 D104 D105 D201 D202 D203 D204 D205 D301 D302 D304 D305 D306 D307 D308 D701 D702 D703 D704 D705 D706 D707 D708 D709 D710 D711 D712 D713 D714 D715 D717 D718 D71 9 D720 D721 D751 D752 D753 D754...

Страница 57: ...304 xns 306 x 07 xt08 xtæ x 10 x l1 t312 13 xl14 701 t702 703 t70 705 706 707 708 709 tha i cket ed from th oomponenttido ed from ths conductor3ids d on the conductorside e ng ovel ths end ot H 3 F 14 G 19 F 19 F 21 G 25 F 24 G 27 J 22 F l1 F 6 o 11 F 7 H 6 H 7 t 7 t 7 H 7 H 7 G 15 G 14 F 15 G 15 r 15 r 14 t 14 r 1 5 G 25 G 24 G 24 F 2i2 F 2 2 G 22 G 2t2 F 22 53 ...

Страница 58: rar oe eonn0 cm T I c207 T r T l P e l d l cru i l j fl i t Hr l Rr40 Rru It T 54 ll 1 Fr45 RA5 I a 4H Hfr g ril ry u l i Hl Rl35 R2371 l rc 4 4 31É r1 aie i3i o rFTz s FR0204 h l f Sffi tf R s t Ë o it i iioà I g I t ciolll î rrr XL î RI q l J I i _ e 4 Ê 4 I R l l 5 Q l U l 1 i id mËfi r t o r t t 0 9 E 7 6 5 4 ...

Страница 59: ...I tel I lrl t tr lfml t sFt S Td fr Ë o75t lr lt tFli Ë P P r i T f ç t ç I tlE ll o o o r ie a o o lc 03 el Els le l t5 16 4 a 1 t t To TRANStsroR D BoARo lrnltlsrsron tE aonnol P36 r14 o f lF tzz IE dlnczt lFocats a j ca 2a æ zr P8 cu CNDI ronos J s 0312 q À 1 R 2E ...

Страница 60: ...DTC t XXtES E oElEcrpfl ...

Страница 61: ...DTc loooEli 5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM GNALOG IIIICROCOMPUTBR BLOCK 4 anaroo aoanol lIill r rrue m eonno E 1 î 1iiêT E I ïi l ù ô iiîîÉî î ...

Страница 62: ...c L l N il o il c c s H l o iil L o u l 2 v i o r D o îïi L S E T E O N D t i o i t z F N C L K N i vrz cLKoul v g r c L K I N l o il c c s N l o I t ii ËËT t 1 ra n u 1 I o l D 31 lii ECr SOND o T rt r RDDT BC 2 L R C K O I D2ol s 1555 q726 22r l l l l c366 I t sGt0 58 ...

Страница 63: ... l l9t to 2 8 2 2 6 2 2 6 a t t_ TO0t CNE72 r0B I G Â r 0 A c 20A 20A D 3GA 3GA E 1GA 10a 5GÀ 5GA F 5GA 0 8GA 70A 7ea 804 H sc 829 827 826 825 824 823 208 8 2 I 820 B I 9 3 B r s B r 7 B l 6 B l 4 B r 3 B t 2 2gB B r l B I O B9 B8 B7 B6 B1 E3 B2 B I 2GB l 0 B F F 8GA 9GA 9GA I OGA 1004 I I G A I l 0 A r 0 B I E l 59 ...

Страница 64: ...DTC XXIES lzsl æ 2a 27 TOPOWER BOARD c N 9 7 tt P 4 4 D i q E Dt0l É f l r B l tilHl L3t l I 60 conrnor aoanol ...

Страница 65: ...DTC I xrcE TO MD SERVOSOARD cN57t P4I TO DIGITALI O BOARD cN873 P48 u 3 f 31 I t lrtNen swaonno 61 S i o È a f ê o ...

Страница 66: ...ETC TOOOES æ Ieveform Lbt O rcto4 A l 6Vp o ...

Страница 67: ... I tYo l t Z m S EE mode DCZ 5V t Lft_t t T 2 04yS rc2o4 AA P p T 12lS czo4 rrl T 3 21S rcJo3 5Vp p T 0 081S rc4o3 PLAY mode Yo p t t l Z m S EE mo d e DC Z tV o tc3o3 tc304 5Vp p T 0 t6lS rceo PLAY rnode ïrtj t EE mode DC0V rc303 tc304 a9 o 5Vp p T 5 1 lS D tcsor tc502 o 5Vp p T 0 24a 0 5g S D tc40t f 1 8 V o o PLA Y mode 1r z s s EE mode DC0 5V tcso2 5Vp p T 0 24 O 5gS ...

Страница 68: ...c854 5Vp p T 30mS tc5 t8 5Vp p T 80lS tcsil 5Vp p 1 O ZayS tcsts 5Vp p r 674Hz rcsrz Notê is out of phasewltfr 0 7Vp p T lmS tcszt D l 5 V p p T l 5 m S rcsrs 5Vp p 1 1 25 mS g rcesr O RECmode ItY o I t t m ù PLAY mode I 0 DC2 6V I 15 DC l 7V tc5 2 1 4 Vp p T i 1 5 mS tcst8 q 5Vp p T I 6 715 tcs23 l 6Vp p Th 1 5 mS D 5Vp p T 30 mS tcsts D 5Vp p T ll0lS tce5to D I 4Vp p T 2 41S el ...

Страница 69: ...2 6 trS c527 5Vp p T 30mS D rc8o7 IC808 tc85 tc854 5Vp p r5mS tc7o2 Q tc703ag S V p p T 1 9m S 2Yp p Til 5mS E 703 3 5Vp p T 0 25 trS E tc807 5Vp p T 51 5 nS g rc7ol rc703 4 V p p T l 9 m S o tc7o3 l 8Vp p T 0 251S tc8o7 5Vp p f 0 22 pS p rcTor 3 V p p T 1 9 m S D rc7o3 5Vp p T l0mS D tc807 5Vp p T 0 lIS tc702 tc703 8 5Vp p ï 85mS tc705 D 5 2Vp p T 6mS ...

Страница 70: ...l 5 m S l lc8oT tc808 5 V p p T l 0 l S lcesr l3 2vp p RECmode I t tSrS PLAY modeDCt 6V tc8o7 2 4Y p p T 55nS lc85t SVp p T 82 nS rcsol tc802 tc807 svp p T 0 2llS tc85t 5Vp p T O 32yS 2 5Vp p T 40 nS o tcesr I t 4Vp_p REC mo de 1 t tS S PLAY modegç 3y tcsst 1 2 Vp p RECmode 1t tSrS PLAY modeDC3V ...

Страница 71: ... N v E c a L81262 M881416_10P cxA1046M 28 t5 LF353N GLEA312 M5238P NJM466OD D TLOTzACP pPG 58G pPC398C pPC45ËirC pPC4558C I 7 6 5 25C634SP 25CEt99 2SC34 Xt M8376 tPS l 3 4 5 6 7 8 cxD1008 l cxDl111 MC74HCl32N sN74LS624N sN74LS74N TC4066BP TEM69UBP TCTlHCU 0 P TC74HOæP TC74HCO4P TC74HC86P pPCr24C pPC3i 9C t 4 l 3 l Z l l r 0 9 8 HD1 t538Bp NJUS UO TC4 FIIBP TC74HClfitP TC74HC175P r 6 r 5 t 4 t 3 r ...

Страница 72: ...t24G2 r 05 i l t r I rnr t93c2 3 a OUT HZ2CLL HZSBLL H2982L 1SS13 l 1S1555 10F2 lOE2N 10YD1 3A 30DF1 FC THS105 k f l iJ 1SS119 68 ...

Страница 73: ...929 l 2 3 576 298 ll 3 4419 37 11 4 4 919 43 01 5 X 4918430 l 6 i4 919 36 l 7 X 918419 1 Desc ri ptl on PLATE LTFT ASSY SIDE ESCUTCHEON CASE 0ur ER A PLÀTE RIGI T ASSY SIOE PLATE B0TT0l l LEGASSY Part ilo 4 919460 t 7482 54749 7 682 47 09 3 703 685 2 I 7482 561 9 742L 775 20 13 31 l 623 31 ilo t0 1 l L2 1 3 l4 l5 l7 Desc rl ptl on scRElt0 r4x20 RIr G SCRETI FLAT IIASHER B 3X6 SCREII BV3X6 S TIGHT ...

Страница 74: ...IDE Stl BtlTTOll C0UilTER Pôrt l o 4 918475 l 4 918 975 lI 4 18 975 2r 4 918 982 l 4 918 998 l 7 685 534 19 7 621 775 10 7 685 531 19 x 9I8 933 I x 0918 934 1 3 31 f41 XX 901 l 621 617 ll 902 t 621 15 11 903 A 2019 199 A PLl 1 18 14 11 PLz r 518 14 11 Desc rl ptl on BUITOII ID u TTor t0 BUTTO I ID CUSHIOII TE IKEY KEY TEII scREH BÎP 2 6X8 TYPE2 fl S scREH B 2 6X4 scREv BTP 2 6X4 TYPE2 l S PAIIEL A...

Страница 75: ...3x6 S CUSHIO I RUBEER SCRE I TR PCBOARD HEADPHO IE AIfLIFIER PCBOARD REC YOLUI E IOU ITED PC8 A IALOGUE 6 Renarks Ranarts 117 118 t20 904 905 906 llo 101 102 r03 104 105 106 r08 109 ll0 111 Prrt llo 4 918 936 1 3 701 05 o 4 918 94 t 4418 943 l 4 919 17 l 1419 27 t i4 908 954 1 4 87 707 O x f908 910 l 14419 11 l Descrlptlon KIIOB HEADPHO IE SETSCRET DOUELE POII T KIIOB RIGûIT REC KNOB LEFT REC CHAS...

Страница 76: ...19 2941 3 831 f4l xx 14 919 41 l 4 919 4241 4419 12 1 4 919 38 01 4 918 991 O1 3 564 12r 0 4 919 01341 4 919 39 1 i4419 09 1 2 375 791 1 4419 10 l 4 919 40 l 4419 18 1 4 919 28 1 v 0escriptlon KNOB TIl lER Sl LUG JACK KiloB SQUARE RI G COYER POI ER SIIITCH SUPPORT B PCBOARO PLATE L SIDE SPACER B COYER I ISULATIIIG SPACER BRACKET LEFT IT SHEET A IIISULATTNG SCREI STEP SPRII G C0I RESSI0N BRACKET RI...

Страница 77: ...Era BTP 2 6X4 TYPE2 t S 914 Remôrt s Rena rt s ilo 2L5 2t6 2L7 2t8 914 915 916 920 921 T90t T902 ilo 201 o2 201 o5 206 207 208 209 2t0 2 l t 2r3 t1 Part No 7 82 s47 09 7 85 873 04 4 9lH 68 rl 4 91F069 rr 4 859 606 1 l 621 608 ll il 621 513 lI Descrl Dtlon SCREH B 3x6 SCREII BYTT 3x10 S ÀEP IÀBEL I DEL IiI IIBER tK IÀBE IrOEL MIAER l UT FTANGE tl3 PC BOARD LII E I I PC BOARD LI IE OUT 1 2I 606 11 P...

Страница 78: ... 263 264 265 266 267 Part l o 4 918421 1 4 918 922 Ol X 4918 924 1 ù4 918 974 l 3 f89 310 Xx 4 919 04 01 3 307448 31 4 919 35 l 4419 03 1 r4 919 1641 3 307448 21 4 919 0741 X 4918 923 1 x 4918 926 l 4 918462 1 4 918 971 01 4 919 47 1 Descrlptl on PAiIEL TRAY III DOI TRAY JOI IT REAR ASSY SLIDE BLæX sPRlilG TEilSIoll LEYER LEFT I ASHER I YLOI TRAY LEYER RIGHT ETARIIIG SLIDER IIASHER IYLOI LEYER PUS...

Страница 79: ...ER LEYER PULL IIASHER STOPPER CHASSIS ASSY RUBBER STOPPER AruIASSY TMY L CX I ASHER XYLOTI PLATE ASSY ruTCTIOX GEAR UO noLLER C tl SPRIIIG TEilSIOX LEYER ASSY CAIiI SLIDER UD TASHER IYLOII sPRIilG TEilSl0r BRACT ET Sll PULLET MÎOR BRAO ET ASSV IOTOR Prrt ilo 3 701 f38 21 4 918 9544t 4 918 923 l 7 21 259 10 7 42t 775 0 742t 25540 7421 5515 7428 2s3 90 7427452 37 7424 10444 3 701 788 XX 1 621 623 t ...

Страница 80: ...8 951 1 PLATE R AGAIIIST 4418406 1 GEAR lRE ô 364 Pôrt ilo Degcrlptlon 4 918 49 1 l IRE 3 307 948 2r HASHER ilYloll 4 918404 1 H00K IIRE 3 48 757 0 SPRII G TEtslorl 4418 907 t PULLEY 4 918 984 01 SÎOPPER tllRE 3 60 15 n cLlP CABLE 742L 77540 SCREï B 2 6X3 7421 7754 SCREY B 2 6X3 7 85 31 19 SCREr BTP 2 6X4 TYPEz ll S 742t 172 à SCREI B 2X3 1 21 622 11 PCB0ARD A 1508 303 A OT0RASSYILOADI G ilo 364 3...

Страница 81: ...DE 5 0 ASSY FIXED GUIDE 4 0 ASSY FIXED SPR IIIG SLAI T ASSY CAP PIIICH ROLLER 411 Ito 412 a l I 934 4 47 450 Ho 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 40 4t0 Desc rl ptl on BRACKET RF CASE LOIJER SHIELD CASE UPPER SHIELD BELT CO ITROL I ASHER GEAR I ORI I SRAflEÏ ASSY CO ITROL IIIOTOR GEAR IIDI ÀY IIASHER POLYETHYLETIE DIA 1 2 lllEEL ùfoRr l 411 3 701 436 11 4t2 3 337 647 1 413 3 337 648 1 414 3 701 748 ...

Страница 82: ...7 24 3 7t64r 2423 75441 2423 75241 2423 75641 A 2096452 A 9 831 249 48 1 064 724 1 I t420 725 ll rl 620 186 1I 8 835 20541 8 835 206 1 x 3337 526 1 8 848 50041 1 807 698 1 1 l 07498 ll t s70 771 l 1 1 570 883 ll 1 570 883 2 I Description Remar s CATCHER ROLLER SLIDERASSY I IIODE SPRING TENSION SPRING TE ISION SPRING BRACKET HOLEELEI ENT CHASSIS ASSY TENSION REGULATOR LEVER LIMITER SPRING TENSIOiI ...

Страница 83: ...crroN 7 ELECTRICAL PARTSLIST CAPAC I TORS l lF pF PF ppF RES I STORS AII resistors are in ohns F nonflanmable COILS M H H m H U H u H SEMI CONDUCTORS In each case U u for examp le U 4 p 4 U P A p P A U P C u P C U P D u P D ELECTRICAL PARTS Ref No Part l o 0escriptl on Ïhe components ident ified by shading and markfiare c r i t i c a l f o r s a f e t y R e p l a c eo n l y w i t h p a r t numbers...

Страница 84: ... l 161 494 D CERAI IIC 0 022 f c411 1 163 13 0 CERA iIC CHIP0 002211F c412 1 124 225 ÉLECT lool lF c413 l 124 77940 CAP ELECT 10f lF 80 ELECTRICAL PARTS Ref No Part No Descrlptlon c505 c506 c507 c508 c509 c510 1 124 462 00TLECT 101 lF L 162 294 31 CERAlillC 0 00111F 1 162 294 31CERA IC 0 001ilF 1 16l 494 0 CERÀl llC 0 022t iF 1 161 494 0 CERAI IIC 0 0221 F 1 161 494 0 CERA IC 0 022vF 1 161 494 0 C...

Страница 85: ...7 00 I YLAR c717 1 102 962 0 CERAIIIC 1 102462 00 CERAIilC 1 123 61 0 ELECT l 161494 x cERA IC 81 DTC O X ES ELECTRICAT PARTS Part ilo Desc rl ptl on Ref No c72l c72 c723 c724 c725 c801 c802 c803 c804 c806 c807 c809 c8l0 c81 I c812 0 0221 lF 0 0221f 100ilF o o22vF 0 0221i F 0 lnF 0 1r tF 0 lr F 0 tf tF t00N F 100t F 0 litF lOOPF 0 00u rF 0 lr tF 0 0lsr tF 0 llf 0 0068r rF 0 ll rF 0 1Î tF 0 lt F 0 ...

Страница 86: ... 163 133 O0 1 r63 133 00 1001 1 64 05 11 cl 002 l 564 06 ll cN003 l 564 05 11 cN004rl 564 505 31 Cil005 1 64 05 41 cil051 l 564 520 11 clr081 t1641 l 21 1101 1 564 506 11 cr 121 l 64 05 11 cil122 1 64 505 31 cil123 t 64 05 11 cilI24 1 64 505 31 cil125rl 64 05 11 cln26 l 64 505 31 cill7l 1 64 ll 11 cln8l l 564 09 lI cNl82r1464 08 ll ci 84 Êl 564 507 31 clil9l l 564 506 ll ci 92 1 554 506 11 cu93 r1...

Страница 87: ...PLUG CONNECTOR 2P PLUG C01 l ECToR 2P PLUG COIINECTOR 6P PLUG CO IilECTOR 3P JACr Ptfi 2P JACK PII 2P PIlt coliltEcToR8P PIit coltltEcToR 4P PLUG CONXECTOR 3P TYPE 4P TYPE 8P TYPE 3P TYPE 6P TYPE 13P 83 DTC IOOOES ELECTRICAL PARTS Ref ilo Part l lo cilTs4 t 564 506 11 cNT55 1 560 64 0 Cl 1T56 1 564 509 ll cP501 L 232476 Ll cP502 L 232 976 l cP503 t 232476 tl cP504 1 233 61 11 cP505 l 232 955 11 cP...

Страница 88: ... 36 IC BX 1393 8 75912740 rC l88r4l6 l0P 8 75912740 IC i 8lfl6 l0P 8 759132 3 rC TLC272CP DIoDE 1SS132 DtoDE 1SS132 DIoDE lSSl32 DtoDE lss132 DIoDE lssl32 DIoDE 1SS132 DIoDE lssl19 DIODE SLR 3qDU5 DIODE TLR 123 DIODE SLR 34PC5 DIODE TLR I23 DIoDE lssl3z Dr0DE lss132 OIODE HZsBLL DIODE 10E2il DIODE IOEz I DIODE HZ33 3L DI00E1SS132 0t0081ssl32 DIODE RBY 02 01 0t0DER8V 602 l DIOOE HZs8LL DIODE 3ODF1 ...

Страница 89: ...RTS Q309 Q3r0 Q3r1 Q3r2 Q313 Q314 Q401 Q402 Q403 Q404 Q40s Q406 Qs0r Q502 Qs03 Q504 Q50s Q505 8 729 t6742 8 729 tt3 82 8 729 1 13 82 8 729 190 3 8 729 u3 82 8 7 9 t674 8 7 9 t00 76 8 7 9 20246 8 729 901 1 8 729 901 l 8 729 903 82 8 729 90342 8 729 00 27 8 729 10443 8 7 9 Lt7 4 8 729 99 t 8 7294254L 8 729 tt714 Q507 8 729 600 27 Q508 8 729 tt714 Q509 8 729400 27 Q510 8 729 rL714 Q51r 8 729400 27 Q5...

Страница 90: ...N CARBOl GTAL IETAI I IETAL itETAL CARBON CARBOII Ll4tl r 4v r 4u v4v v4v r 4H 1r l t tr l 1C LX tr 1 10K 580 1fi 15K l0K 1 X 39K 22K 2 2K 86 Ref ilo Rl19 Rl21 Rt22 Rl23 R124 Rl25 Rl26 RL I Rl28 Rl29 Rl30 Rl3l Rl32 R133 Rl34 Rl35 Rl36 Rl37 Rl38 Rt39 R140 Rl4l Rt4 R143 Rl44 Rl45 R146 R147 R148 R149 Rl50 Rl51 Rl52 R3l2 R313 R314 R3t5 R3 16 R3l7 4 7K 1l l IK l 8K t 8K l 8K 2 2K IK 100K 150 33K 27K r ...

Страница 91: ...RBoil 1 2t5 f 9340 CARB0il l 215 48H0 CARBOI R4 4 R50l R502 R503 R504 R505 10 22K 22K 330K Ir t 68fi 87 Re f l lo R506 R507 R508 R509 Partl o 0escrlption r 247 895 0 CARBorl l 215 461 0 l lETAL 1 215 466 0 l IETAL 1 249 401 11 CARBOI l 249 4ll 11 CARBON l 249 435 ll CARB0N l 249 433 11 CARB0l 1 249 409 ll CARBoN l 249 437 11 CARBOI l 249 437 tl CARBoN 1 249 437 11 CARBON t 249 429 tt CARBoli l 215...

Страница 92: ...32 ll CARB0tl R659 1 249 432 11 CARBOI R660 1 215 489 0 CARBOi R661 1 24H31 11 CARBOTI R662 1 249 f31 11 CARB0 R663 1 215 48Hn CARBOTI R664 l 247 891 0 CARBoll R665 1 249 431 11 CARBOT R666 l 249 405 11 CARBO I R667 l 249 425 ll CARBOII R658 1 249 007 11 CARB0N R669 1 249 432 11 CARBo R670 1 249 429 11 CARBoll R671 1 24H33 U CARBoX R672 1 249 432 ll CARBOI R673 r 249 433 11 CARBOil R674 1 249 19 1...

Страница 93: ...L 4u 2K 5X tl4Ï 22K 5X U4U rofr 5c r 4Y loK 5c Ll4Y 2 2K 53 U4Y 2 2K 5r tl4tl 2 2K 51 L 4U 2 2K 5X L 4v ELECTRICAL PARTS Ref llo Part No Descrlptlon R739 1 249 29 tt CARB0 R740 t 215 452 n CARBOi R74l l 215 452 0 CARBON R742 l 249 429 ll CARBOI R743 l 215 45240 CARBOI R744 1 215 438 CARBON R745 l 249 433 11 CARBOI R746 l 249 433 rl CARB0ll R747 1 249 433 11CARBOI R748 1 249 433 11 CARBoT R749 t 24...

Страница 94: ...16 89 0 R972 1 216 65 00 R973 1 216 61 O0 R974 1 216 61 0 3 9 K 22K 100K 47K 2 2 K 7 5 6 2 K 22K 6 2 K 18K 56K 22 10K 10K 2 I 5K IK 82K t 2 K 1 2 K 2 Z K I 5K 5 1 K t 2 K z 2K 910 5 l K I 3 9 3 9 4 7 470K 47K 2 2 2K 2 2K 2 2K 2 2K 47K 27K 4 7K 33K 22K l8K l8K 22K 33K 27K 4 7 K 47K 10K l0K 33K 33K 47K 4 7K 3 3X 3 3K RVt0l RV102 RV 103 RV20l RY2O2 RV2O3 RV301 RV302 R 501 RV 502 RV503 RV504 RV505 RV5...


Страница 96: ...pTC t xIOEliI Sony Corporation Audio Group 92 English 87r1657 1 Printed inJpan o1987 9 9 952 625 11 ...
