shooting screen blinks. Although you can shoot as it is, resetting is
Use a tripod to prevent blurring when you use a slow shutter speed.
The SteadyShot warning indicator does not appear in shutter speed priority
When the shutter speed is 1/3 second(s) or longer, noise reduction will be done
after shooting for the same amount of time that the shutter was open. However,
you cannot shoot any more while noise reduction is in progress.
The brightness of the image on the monitor may differ from the actual image
being shot.
When a faster shutter speed is used, moving subjects, such as a running
person, cars, or sea spray come out as if they are frozen in their movements.
When a slower shutter speed is used, a trailing image of the movement of the
subject is captured to create a more natural and dynamic image.
[34] How to Use
Selecting a shooting mode
Aperture Priority
You can shoot by adjusting the aperture and changing the range in focus, or by
defocusing the background. The aperture value can be changed while recording
1. Set the mode dial to A (Aperture Priority).
2. Select the desired value by turning the control wheel.
Smaller F-value: The subject is in focus, but objects in front of and beyond
the subject are blurred.
Larger F-value: The subject and its foreground and background are all in
3. Adjust the focus and shoot the subject.
The shutter speed is automatically adjusted to obtain proper exposure.