Warranty Registration
Product Warranty - 2 Year Extended
As standard, Sonifex products are supplied with a 1 year back to base
warranty. In order to register the date of purchase and so that we can keep
you informed of any product design improvements or modifica�ons, it is
important to complete the warranty registra�on online. Addi�onally, if you
register the product on the Sonifex website, you can increase your product
warranty to 2 years. Go to the Sonifex website at:
www.sonifex.co.uk/register to apply for your 2 year warranty.
Sonifex Warranty & Liability Terms &
1. Definitions
‘the Company’ means Sonifex Ltd and where relevant includes companies
within the same group of companies as Sonifex Limited.
‘the Goods’ means the goods or any part thereof supplied by the Company
and where relevant includes: work carried out by the Company on items
supplied by the Purchaser; services supplied by the Company; and so�ware
supplied by the Company.
‘the Purchaser’ means the person or organisa�on who buys or has agreed
to buy the Goods.
‘the Price’ means the Price of the Goods and any other charges incurred by
the Company in the supply of the Goods.
‘the Warranty Term’ is the length of the product warranty which is usually
12 months from the date of despatch; except when the product has been
registered at the Sonifex website when the Warranty Term is 24 months
from the date of despatch.
‘the Contract’ means the quota�on, these Condi�ons of Sale and any other
document incorporated in a contract between the Company and the
This is the en�re Contract between the par�es rela�ng to the subject
ma�er hereof and may not be changed or terminated except in wri�ng in
accordance with the provisions of this Contract. A reference to the consent,
acknowledgement, authority or agreement of the Company means in
wri�ng and only by a director of the Company.
2. Warranty
The Company agrees to repair or (at its discre�on) replace Goods
which are found to be defec�ve (fair wear and tear excepted) and
which are returned to the Company within the Warranty Term
provided that each of the following are sa�sfied:
no�fica�on of any defect is given to the Company immediately
upon its becoming apparent to the Purchaser;
the Goods have only been operated under normal opera�ng
condi�ons and have only been subject to normal use (and in
par�cular the Goods must have been correctly connected and
must not have been subject to high voltage or to ionising
radia�on and must not have been used contrary to the
Company’s technical recommenda�ons);
the Goods are returned to the Company’s premises at the
Purchaser’s expense;
any Goods or parts of Goods replaced shall become the
property of the Company;
no work whatsoever (other than normal and proper
maintenance) has been carried out to the Goods or any part of
the Goods without the Company’s prior wri�en consent;
the defect has not arisen from a design made, furnished or
specified by the Purchaser;