Issue 11
© Solarflare Communications 2014
Solarflare Server Adapter
User Guide
Using SAM, you can easily configure Ethernet and task offloading settings, set up teams and VLANs,
configure the Boot ROM for PXE or iSCSI booting, and upgrade the adapter firmware.
Figure 12: SAM Main Screen - Windows Server 2012
SAM’s diagnostics utilities allow you to run tests on the adapter, and on 10GBASE-T adapters, on the
cable to discover any potential issues which may be affecting adapter performance. Also, SAM’s
detailed statistics and state information can be used to view data transfer figures, sent and received
packet types, as well as other traffic-related details.
SAM is included with the Solarflare drivers installation package.
4.9 Managing Adapters Remotely with SAM
SAM can be used to administer Solarflare adapters on your server from a remote computer. SAM can
be used remotely to administer adapters on any supported Windows platform, including a Windows
Server Core Installation. Remote Administration provides access to all SAM features.