UPS for 480 Vac Grid, User Guide, doc. rel.4.0
Setup > Dry contacts > INPUT DRY CONTACTS
The input dry contacts enable the user to monitor the state (open or closed) of a relay external to
the UPS, by generating an alarm condition when the state of the external relay changes.
(The relay must be voltage free. Connection of a voltage-bearing circuit or relay to the input
dry contacts may damage the UPS.)
For example, if the battery circuit breaker has trip-indicating auxiliary contacts which close when
the circuit breaker closes and open when the circuit breaker opens, these auxiliary contacts on the
battery circuit breaker can be connected to one of the pairs of input dry contacts on the UPS, and
that pair of input dry contacts can then be programmed to generate an alarm condition when the
battery circuit breaker is opened.
Location of the input dry contacts
The connections for the input dry contacts are located on the front side of the UPS controller in
“connector group 2”.
The input dry contacts are named digital input #1 through digital input # 8. They are located on
plug 8 through plug 11.
For additional information, refer to the UPS Installation Guide.
Using the input dry contacts
The connection for each input dry contact consists of two pins – one independent pin (“digital
input #x”), and the second pin, labeled Common).
In the Setup > Dry contacts > Input dry contacts screen the user defines the dry contact as
normally open or normally closed, depending on the normal state of the external circuit.