June 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 5000-120 AGS Operator Manual
PRO-Verter Internal Fault Messages
The inverter continually monitors several internal components. If a condition inside the inverter
occurs that does not allow proper operation, one of the following internal fault messages displays
and the inverter shuts down to prevent damage. The solution to all of these faults follows.
Internal Bridge
This fault message displays when the FET bridge shuts down after the inverter has been inverting—
the inverter output circuit can no longer detect any AC output voltage or current.
Internal Charger
This fault message displays when the FET bridge shuts down because the charger circuit is trying to
provide maximum current, but is not detecting a current or voltage rise to the battery bank.
Internal NTC
This fault message displays when the internal negative temperature coefficient (NTC) temperature
sensor suddenly causes a very large but unexpected temperature change.
Internal Relay
This fault message displays when the internal AC transfer relay is not closed while charging.
If one of these internal faults occurs, the inverter will require an inverter or power reset to clear the
fault. After resetting the inverter, press the INVERTER ON/OFF button on the user interface to turn
the inverter on and then verify that the fault has cleared (i.e., manual restart). If the internal fault
remains or returns, the inverter may require repair at a Solar Stik. Call Solar Stik Technical Support:
800-793-4364, Ext 102.
Allow the inverter to cool down, then press the INVERTER ON/OFF button (manual restart) to
resume operation. If the fault returns shortly after restart, reducing the charge rate (FAVS F1> Set
Max Charge AMPS) may alleviate the problem.
To resume normal operation, reduce the load to within normal operating parameters. Shade the
PRO-Verter to reduce solar loading.
If this fault does not clear after doing the power reset, the inverter will require service. Contact Solar
Stik Technical Support.
Unknown Fault ##
This fault message displays when the inverter/charger has sent a fault code that cannot be identified
by the user interface.
Contact Technical Support at Solar Stik for more information or assistance in identifying the actual