June 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 5000-120 AGS Operator Manual
When the AGS is active during hybrid operation, it might only start/stop a generator as a last line of
defense to ensure continuity of power is available to the load when the batteries are at low SOC.
The GENERATOR STATUS LEDs located on the faceplate provide the following information to the
• The Ready LED indicates when the AGS has power and is ready for normal operation.
• The Status LED indicates when the AGS system is initiating a generator start sequence. This
happens when the Test button (on the AGS) has been pressed and released, or a programmed
condition has triggered the AGS to autostart the generator.
Blinking green LED indicates that the generator start sequence has begun.
Steady-on green LED Indicates the generator has started successfully and is providing the
Gen Run sense signal/voltage to the AGS module.
Steady-on RED LED Indicates a fault condition in which the generator either has not
started, or has not provided the correct run gen sense signal/voltage to the AGS module –
after four (4) start attempts
Testing the AGS Function
There is a red AGS TEST button at the AGS interface that can be used to confirm that all wiring
from the generator to the AGS module is correct and the AGS circuit is configured correctly for a
particular generator. When pressed, the STATUS LED on the AGS module will blink green indicating
the AGS has initiated an automatic generator start/stop sequence.
Once the generator starts, view the STATUS LED and ensure it turns solid green (indicating the
generator has started successfully and is providing the gen run sense signal to the AGS module). It
should run for approximately 30-60 seconds before automatically turning off.
AGS Audible Alarm
The PRO-Verter has an audible warning that signals the generator has initiated the autostart
protocol and is about to start. This provides operators standing or working on or around the
generator with an opportunity to take precautions before it auto-starts. This function can be disabled
for silent operations.
Figure 6. AGS Status LEDs