What can Console 1 Fader do?
You can use Console 1 Fader in a number of ways, some
which may not seem quite obvious. In fact, Console 1
Fader performs practically every task of a mixing desk
(aside from EQ, dynamics, and effects), including con-
trolling several faders at one.
When you connect Console 1 Fader to your computer,
you get these physical controls:
Solo and mute
High Cut and Low Cut filters
Aux sends 1–3
Softube's Drive and Character
DAW transport buttons
Layering of tracks
Stereo width
Ah yes, you can control the volume too
On top of that, Console 1 Fader offers 100 mm motor-
ized Alps faders and DAW Control (remote control of
volume, pan, solo, mute, and aux).
Softube’s Drive technology
Softube started in 2003 by emulating distorting circuits,
more specifically tubes. We wanted to make the best
emulations on the market, and by 2007 we felt we had
enough knowledge to release our first product. Ever
since we’ve been fascinated with distortion of all types.
Hey, where did you think the company name came
Where can Console 1 Fader be used?
The Console 1 Fader soft- and hardware can be used
as a channel insert in all 64-bit VST, AU, and AAX
compatible digital audio workstations (DAW:s). Console
1 Fader has been qualified to work with the following
Mac OS:
Ableton Live
Digital Performer
Logic Pro X
Pro Tools
Studio One
Ableton Live
Digital Performer
Pro Tools
Sonar/Cakewalk by BandLab
Studio One
This list of qualified DAW:s expands over time. If your
DAW is not listed here, chances are Console 1 Fader
will work perfectly in your environment, but we make no
guarantees. It’s always a good idea to try a demo version