Layer Mode
When several mixer channels can be considered as “one
component” or “one complete section” in you mix, it is
often convenient to group them.
On a physical mixing desk, there are usually group
outputs. They let you assign a bunch of channels of, say,
backing vocals to a group and adjust the total volume
of that group with one slider (or a stereo pair of them).
That way, while adjusting the overall volume of the
backing vocals, you retain the internal volume relation-
ship between those channels.
Other examples would be a percussion instrument sec-
tion, a bunch of acoustic rhythm guitars, a drum kit, or
anything that can be considered “one audio element”.
In Console 1 Fader, you can create layers, which is an
even more flexible method than groups. It all starts
when you press Assign Track(s) to layer (see below).
Assign track(s) to layer
Start using Layer Mode (which is similar to creating
groups on a traditional mixing desk) by pressing and
holding the Assign Track(s) to layer button. You will be
asked to select a track/fader to serve as a master fader
for this layer. Do so by pressing one of Console 1 Fader’s
Track Selector buttons (the unmarked ones). The LED
above that track selector now turns blue.
The text “A new layer will be assigned to track selector
X” confirms your choice.
You will then be asked to choose which tracks to assign
to that layer. Click on some Track Selector buttons to
add those tracks. Your selection will be confirmed in the
Next time you press the Layer Mode button (confirmed
by the LED below that fader turning bright blue), the
layer master fader you just chose will control all the sub-
channels of that layer.
You can have as many layers as you want in a project.
To edit or remove a layer, hold Assign Track(s) to layer
and press the Track Selector of that layer. The content
of the layer is shown in the OSD. Release the Assign
You can now add or remove tracks as desired. If you
remove all tracks in a layer, that layer will be deleted.