STEP 4: Swipe Data into Your Application
Start | Programs | SocketScan
The Pocket PC will beep several times, and the LED will blink several
times to indicate that the device has been initialized. The LED will
remain green to indicate that it is ready to read data.
At the bottom of the Today screen, make sure the SocketScan icon
shows a picture of an ID card to indicate that SocketScan has detected
the CF Mag Stripe Reader Card..
If the Pocket PC does not beep, the LED does not blink, and/or the
SocketScan icon shows a crossed-out bar code, make sure the CF
Mag Stripe Reader Card is correctly inserted into the Pocket PC
slot. Push it in all the way.
The Pocket PC sound must be turned on for beeps to be heard.
Start the Windows application that you want to receive the data (e.g.,
Excel, Notepad, etc.). Make sure a document or spreadsheet is open.
Place the cursor where you want the swiped data to go.
Note: If using Excel, you may want to increase the column width to fit the