Special fire fighting procedures:
Use wa ter to keep fire ex posed con tain ers cool. If
leak or spill has not ig nited, use wa ter spray to dis -
perse the va pors and to pro vide pro tec tion for per -
son nel at tempt ing to stop a leak. Wa ter spray may
be used to flush spills away from ex po sures.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards:
Prod ucts of com bus tion may con tain car bon mon -
ox ide, car bon di ox ide, and other toxic ma te ri als.
DO NOT enter enclosed or confined space
without proper protective equipment
including respiratory protection.
Spill or leak:
Con tain spill im me di ately in small est area pos si ble.
Re cover as much of the prod uct it self as pos si ble
by such meth ods as vac u um ing, fol lowed by soak -
ing up of re sid ual flu ids by use of ab sor bent ma te ri -
Re move con tam i nated items in clud ing con tam i -
nated soil and place in proper con tain ers for dis -
posal. Avoid wash
ing, drain
ing, or di
ma te rial to storm or san i tary sew ers .
Waste disposal method:
Re cy cle as much of the re cov er able prod uct as
pos si ble.
pose of non-recyclable ma
rial as a RCRA
haz ard ous waste by such meth ods as in cin er a tion,
ing with fed
eral, state, and lo
cal reg
Foam In Tires
Extinguishing media:
Wa ter, dry chem i cal, foam, or CO
Special fire fighting procedures:
Evac u ate non emer gency per son nel to a safe area.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards:
Fire fight ers should use self con tained breath ing
ap pa ra tus. Avoid breath ing smoke, fumes, and de -
com po si tion prod ucts.
Use wa ter spray to drench smol der ing elas to mer.
Prod uct may melt, af ter ig ni tion, to form flam ma ble
liq uid.
Burning produces intense heat, dense
smoke, and toxic gases, such as carbon
monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and traces of
hydrogen cyanide.
Spill or leak:
Pick up and han dle as any other in ert solid ma te -
Waste disposal method:
Not con sid ered a haz ard ous ma te rial. Dis pose of
ma te rial ac cord ing to any lo cal, state, and fed eral
reg u la tions.
Gasoline (UN 1203)
Extinguishing media:
Dry chem i cal, foam, or CO
Special fire fighting procedures:
Wa ter may be in ef fec tive to ex tin guish, but wa ter
should be used to keep fire ex posed con tain ers
cool. If a leak or spill has not ig nited, use wa ter
spray to dis perse the va pors and to pro tect per son -
nel at tempt ing to stop a leak. Wa ter spray may be
used to flush spills away from ar eas of po ten tial ig -
ni tion.
Unusual fire and explosion hazards:
Highly Flam ma ble. Prod ucts of com bus tion may
con tain car bon mon ox ide, car bon di ox ide and
other toxic ma te ri als.
DO NOT enter enclosed or confined space
without proper protective equipment
including respiratory protection.
Spill or leak:
Re view fire and ex plo sion haz ards be fore pro ceed -
ing with clean up. Use ap pro pri ate per sonal pro tec -
tive equip ment dur ing clean up. Dike spill. Pre vent
liq uid from en ter ing sew ers, wa ter ways, or low ar eas.
Soak up with saw dust, sand, oil dry or other ab sor -
bent ma te rial. Shovel or sweep up.
Remove source of heat, sparks, flame, impact,
friction or electricity including internal combustion
engines and power tools. If equipment is used for
spill cleanup, it must be explosion proof and
suitable for flammable liquid and vapor.
page 12 - 2
MHP15J – 11995A
12. Fire Fighting and Chemical Control
Содержание MHP 15J
Страница 1: ...Engine Powered Gasoline Battery Electric Operator s Manual P N 11995A September 2005 V2...
Страница 16: ...page 1 8 MHP15J 11995A 1 Safety...
Страница 20: ...page 2 4 MHP15J 11995A 2 Safety Devices...
Страница 26: ...page 3 6 MHP15J 11995A 3 Specifications...
Страница 28: ...page 4 2 MHP15J 11995A 4 Gauges...
Страница 30: ...page 5 2 MHP15J 11995A 5 Shut offs and Circuit Breakers...
Страница 36: ...page 6 6 MHP15J 11995A 6 Controls...
Страница 46: ......
Страница 54: ...page 8 8 MHP15J 11995A 8 Operation...
Страница 60: ...page 11 2 MHP15J 11995A 11 Options...
Страница 66: ...page 13 2 MHP15J 11995A 13 Operator s Troubleshooting...
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