10.9 Metre Height Restriction Kit
This kit may be fit ted to ma chines man u fac tured for
the Aus tra lian mar ket to com
ply with Aus tra
leg is la tion.
For ma chines fit ted with this kit a key switch
pro vided on the lower con trol box.
This switch al lows the ma chine to op er ate to its full
boom height of 12.8m when the switch is in the
DISABLED position
or to the re stricted height of
10.9m when the switch is in the ENABLED position
see Fig ure 13.3.
On ma chines with elec tric con trols this key switch
is fit ted in the lower right hand cor ner of the lower
con trol box whilst on those with hy drau lic con trols it
is fit ted in the up per left hand cor ner of the lower
con trol box.
Figure 13.13 - Height Lockout Switch
The use of this machine in the unrestricted
mode (over 10.9m) by an uncertified
operator is a breach of Australian law.
In order to operate this machine in the
unrestricted mode the operator is required
to hold a
WP Certificate of Competency
The key MUST NOT be left in the machine by
a qualified operator when the machine is
The key can only be re moved in the 10.9m
re stricted mode thus en sur ing that it is not able to
be op er ated at full height by an un qual i fied
op er a tor.
Low Voltage Insulation
Figure 13.14 - Low Voltage Insulation
The low volt age in su lated MHP15/44HD is in su -
lated to 1000V AC or 1500V DC.
Spare Wheel
Mounted on the side of the trailer this is an ideal op -
tion for ma chines that reg u larly travel in iso lated
coun try ar eas.
Figure 13.15 - Spare Wheel
Fibre glass Bas ket
Figure 13.16 - Fibreglass Basket
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
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13. Options