With the Ground/Platform Selector set to platform:
Check that each of the boom moving valve levers
(see Figure 9.18) (
through to
) cause the
EPV16 to move the way it should.
NOTE - Platform Control Valve Levers:
Depending on the configuration of your machine
you may not have a 'Platform Rotate'
Check the valves in both directions.
Figure 9.18 - Platform Boom and Basket
For correct operating procedures see the
"Operation" chapter 10.
Pay particular attention to the Emergency
Stop Switch
to see that it turns the EPV16
off when struck (see Figure 9.20)
With the booms raised op er ate the
Emer gency
Lower Switch
in con junc tion with the
En able
The booms should be gin to lower.
For de
tails on cor
rect emer
gency low
op er at ing pro ce dures see “Emer gency Op er a tion”
chap ter 11.
At the completion of the above section the unit
can be returned to the stowed position.
AC Outlet RCD/ELCB (option)
Figure 9.22 - AC Outlet RCD/ELCB
If the EPV16 has this option fitted check the RCD
works by connecting a power source to the base
inlet and an appliance to the platform outlet.
Push the test but ton on the RCD/ELCB de vice and
the power out let at the plat form should not work.
RCD/ELCB devices should only be replaced
by a qualified electrician.
LV Insulated EPV16
Refer to the Safety Low Voltage Insulation
chapter in this manual and to the Repair
Parts manual for further information on the
LV machines.
Insulation Covers
In spect all the in su la tion cov ers on knuckle joints,
cyl in ders etc. Look for cracks, cor ro sion, chips or
any form of struc tural dam age to the cov ers.
Fibreglass Basket
In spect the in te rior and ex te rior of the bas ket for
any form of dam age or cor ro sion. Look for cracks,
es pe cially in the bot tom of the bas ket (which are of -
ten eas i est to see from un der neath).
Check the op er a tion of the emer gency exit door.
Boom insulation Covering
Check the boom in su la tion cov er ing for any signs
of crack ing or cor ro sion.
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Rev A
EPV16 – 13642-1
9. Pre-operational Inspection