Vega-MV Router Multiviewer - User Manual
Issue 1 Revision 2
Page 229
© 2017 SAM
Java Issues
Trouble Shooting D.3
D.3 Java Issues
D.3.1 Java applet:
Takes a long time to launch from the browser
Will not launch due to security issues
Will not launch after an update to the latest Java release
If the PC running the browser application has recently had a Java update and the
Vega-MV web pages no longer run any more in the browser,
then please refer to Appendix F for a work-round.
However, if the PC has not been used to browse Vega-MV web pages before,
then please read the following, before looking at Appendix F.
Security issues only apply to Java platforms 1.7.0_21 and above
Java platforms 1.7.0_21 and above have extra security measures to prevent untrusted Java
applications from running.
All Vega-MV Router Multiviewer firmware versions have a certificate to assist with the security
checks that Java carries out.
However there can still be some issues depending on:
The Java security settings.
Whether or not the PC has access to the internet.
On a PC with access to the Internet
If the application has never been launched on the PC before then the first time it is launched
the following message will appear. It is asking for permission to install the security certificate.
Tick the “Do not show this again…” box so that you do not have to acknowledge this every
time the application needs to launch.
As long as the PC has access to the Internet then there should be no further issues when
Java checks that the security certificate has not been revoked.