Installing new firmware to your Realiser A16
Rev 1.80 Dec 12 2019
Updating your A16 with rev 1.80 Dec 12
2019 is only necessary if your A16’s firmware is older. The
current revision of your firmware is found in SETTINGS>UPDATES/ABOUT as described below in step 5. If
an update is required please begin with
Issues addressed in this update
The defunct
‘Auto Mute’ feature has been changed to ‘Preset Mute’ and sets the mute
immediately following a change of preset or audio source. It can be programmed from 1 to 3
The HP-A and HP-B SPDIF and the Tactile outputs are now correctly muted during power up and
when changing presets or audio source. However, for the SPDIF outputs, the method
implemented at present simply grounds the bi-phase signal on mute. This will cause
downstream SPDIF receivers to unlock while mute is active, which may result in minor audible
artefacts during mute/unmute transitions. In the future we may improve on this by muting the
PCM before to encoding, rather than the SPDIF signal itself.
A channel swap on the stereo tactile output has been fixed.
The minimum HPEQ sweep amplitude has been reduced to avoid clipping when the headphone
gain switches are set to medium or high gain positions.
The minimum PRIR sweep amplitude has been reduced to better accommodate high gain sound
If the loading of user A or user B presets fails to complete (usually as a result of a power outage
during the loading process) the A16 will not attempt to automatically reload such presets until
they are manually loaded via the preset menu page. This is done to avoid a lock-out situation
whereby the unit would continually reload corrupted preset files. Reinstalling the firmware or
restoring factory settings will not circumnavigate this requirement. If either user A or user B
presets remain unloaded, some, or all, of the functionality of the A16 is disabled, so it is
important to recognised when this has happened. For example, if the user B preset remains
unloaded after power up, the solo/mute and level meters will not function for user A or user B.
To alert users to the fact that a preset remains unloaded,
a ‘reload’ warning
will now appear in
the home page for whichever preset needs attention.