HAT828 High Speed ATS Controller User Manual Page 47 of 56
Take S1 master, auto transfer/restore as example, transfer time of high speed switch should be
less than 5ms.
When S1 power outage, controller detects that after t1 time, after t2 time, S2 close output port
works, high speed switch starts to work, after t3 time, S2 close is finished by the switch. Load
outage time is less than 20ms, which is shown as below picture:
Fig.6 – Load Outage Time when Power Abnormal Transfer
When S1 returns normal, S1 takes load from S2, after t4 time, S1 normal is confirmed and
synchronous detection is finished simultaneously, S1 close relay outputs. After t5 time, S1 close is
finished by the switch. Load outage time is switch transfer time, which is shown as below picture:
Fig.7 – Load Outage Time when Power Normal Transfer