C H A P T E R 2
Installing your interactive whiteboard system
Dimensions on the template recommend a distance from the floor suitable for adults of average
height. You should consider the general height of your user community when you choose a location
for your interactive whiteboard.
Routing the cables
When connecting cables from the SMART UX80 projector to your interactive whiteboard, make sure
that all cables pass between the two interactive whiteboard wall-mounting brackets and that the
cables don’t rest on the wall-mounting brackets.
Installing SMART software
You must install SMART software, such as SMART Meeting Pro™ software or SMART Notebook™
collaborative learning software on the computer connected to your interactive whiteboard system to
access all of its features.
Download SMART software from
. These web pages list the minimum
hardware requirements for each software version. If SMART software is already installed on your
computer, take this opportunity to upgrade your software to ensure compatibility.
Setting up the projector image
You must focus the projected image, and then align the projected image.