SB-OffGrid-TI-US-en-18 | Version 1.8
Both in off-grid systems and in the event of grid failures in backup systems, grid fluctuations in the stand-alone grid are
possible. This may cause severe deviations in nominal voltage and nominal frequency. Despite such fluctuations, all of
the components in these systems must function without problems.
This technical information will inform you about the following topics:
• Which PV inverters you can use in off-grid systems and backup systems
• Which parameters you need to set in the PV inverter
• What type of communication you need to install in backup systems
• Which values the parameters of PV inverters will take in stand-alone mode
• How the output power of the PV inverter can be limited by the Frequency-Shift Power Control (FSPC) function of the
Sunny Island
Technical Information
PV Inverters
Use of PV Inverters in Off-Grid and Backup Systems in North and South America