SSR-1U User’s Manual
Rev -, 27 Dec 2019
© 2019 Slerj, LLC
The STTP Utility
The SLERJ Time Tagged Parser is a Windows command line utility (sttp.exe) provided with the
SSR-1U to parse time tagged archives into various output types. Source code is provided under
a non-restrictive (MIT) license so that it can be freely modified and incorporated into user
applications. The utility has a number of functions including the ability to extract the raw data
(without timestamps), extract line-oriented data prepended with configurable timestamps, extract
only portions of the data in intervals or windows, and extract text representations of the packets
stored in the archive. For more details on line-oriented extraction, see Application Note
Usage of the sttp utility is summarized by its help output:
The tagged line option can extract line-oriented data with user defined timestamps (see the
readme.txt file that comes with the STTP utility for details). For example, consider an archive
that contains data from an instrument that produces output:
usage: sttp.exe [options] <infile>
Version 1.5, Feb 21 2018 20:30:23
-h Include headers in tcp and dat files.
-r <raw_file> Write raw stream data to raw_file
-t <tcp_file> Write Time Correlation Packets to tcp_file
-d <dat_file> Write Tagged data to dat_file
-m <mxd_file> Write both TCPs and tagged data to mxd_file
-n <txt_file> Write timestamped line text file
-N "string" Date format string for tagged line (strftime)
-S Supress milliseconds in tagged line output
Interval extraction options for timestamped line output:
For the arguments below, 'N' is assumed to be in seconds
unless suffixed with 'L', which denotes lines. For example
'-i 30' denotes an interval of 30 seconds, where '-i 30L'
Denotes an interval of 30 timestamped lines of data.
-k,--skip N Skip N seconds/lines of data before output
-i,--interval N Extract excerpts at intervals of N seconds/lines
-w,--window N Extract N seconds/lines at each interval
-v,--nwins M Process M windows (default=0, to end of file)
S D 0.0000122 kg
S D 0.0000122 kg
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