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7.0 APPENDIX A - Helpful Hints
turn the BREEZE on outside, away from buildings and other obstructions. The device will need to warm up
approximately 5-10 minutes prior to play. For optimal performance while playing, ensure that the BREEZE has a
clear view of the sky at all times. While the omni-directional, high-performance GPS antenna has been designed
to lock quickly to more satellites and stay locked to maintain performance in all terrains, it is still a good idea to
avoid being around buildings, obstructions, heavy foliage, low areas with adjacent obstructions, or reflective
objects (such as metal/glass structures) while using the BREEZE.
sync your BREEZE regularly. Syncing regularly allows the BREEZE to keep running at peak performance.
Syncing allows you to check alerts for new features and software updates; automatically upload your latest
scorecard to ClubSG; and download new courses and change your Favorites list.
perform a Soft Reset if the BREEZE appears to be unresponsive. To reset the BREEZE, press and hold the
Center Key and the Thumb Pad simultaneously for 8 seconds until the BREEZE powers off. Then press the Center
Key to power it back on.
watch your signal strength indicator. The higher the signal strength, the more accurate the system will be. The
best signal strength is obtained in open areas, with the antenna pointing toward the sky at a 45° to 90° angle.
Holding the BREEZE away from your body may improve signal strength in weak areas. It is normal for the satellite
signal strength indicator to fluctuate as you move around the golf course.
make sure the battery is fully-charged before play.
use AC chargers or USB cables that did not come with or are not authorized for use with your BREEZE.
The wrong adapters or cables may damage the BREEZE.
turn the BREEZE on and off during play. The BREEZE is a “smart system” that continues to download
data from satellites to adjust to your environment during play. It is designed to stay on continuously during a
round of golf. Turning it on and off will interrupt satellite communication and slow down play. If you take a long
break at the turn, you may turn the SkyCaddie off to conserve battery power, but allow 5-10 minutes for it to
return to optimal accuracy.
make any sudden or jerking movements with the BREEZE.
expose your BREEZE to extreme temperatures. Treat it like you would your cell phone. Do not leave
your BREEZE in a super-heated vehicle when not in use.
drop the BREEZE in water or leave exposed in a hard rain. The BREEZE is water-resistant but NOT