Online Services
ŠKODA Connect
The rights and obligations of the contracting parties
with regard to the provision of these services are
regulated in an independent agreement. Current le-
gal documents regarding the ŠKODA Connect serv-
ices can be found on the ŠKODA Connect Portal and
the ŠKODA Connect application.
ŠKODA Connect services allow you to connect the
vehicle to the online world. They thus represent an
extension of the vehicle and Infotainment functions.
The ŠKODA Connect services are not part of the ve-
hicle's equipment. These will be published separately
on the ŠKODA Connect Portal website, in the ŠKO-
DA Connect application or in Infotainment, if Info-
tainment allows this.
The offer of ŠKODA Connect services depends on
the type of vehicle and its trim level, Infotainment
and country.
ŠKODA Connect website
The ŠKODA Connect website contains e.g. current
information on the ŠKODA Connect services, the link
to that ŠKODA Connect Portal or the option to
download the ŠKODA Connect application.
The website is opened after reading the following
QR code or the link.
ŠKODA Connect Portal website
The ŠKODA Connect Portal website enables, for ex-
ample, user registration, ordering of ŠKODA Con-
nectservices, service management or remote access
to the vehicle.
The website is opened after reading the following
QR code or the link.
ŠKODA Connect application
The ŠKODA Connect application enables, for exam-
ple, user registration, ordering of ŠKODA Connect
services or remote access to the vehicle.
The application can be downloaded to the mobile de-
vice after scanning the following QR code or link.
Terms of use of the ŠKODA Connect services
A main user is registered in the vehicle.
The ŠKODA Connect services are active.
A user currently logged in is authorized to use the
ŠKODA Connect services.
The protection level set for sending personal data
enables the use of ŠKODA Connect services.
Availability of the ŠKODA Connect services
Availability depends on the following conditions.
Cellular networks are available, through which the
connection to the ŠKODA Connect services is en-
The availability, the functionality, the connection
speed and the technology of the mobile network
can vary in the respective countries and depend
on the mobile network operator.
In areas where this is insufficient signal, e.g. in un-
derground garages, functionality may be limited.
The ŠKODA Connect services are available for your
vehicle, Infotainment and the respective country.
You check availability on the following website
ŠKODA Connect.
Availability status of the ŠKODA Connect services
The availability of the services is indicated by the col-
our of the symbol in the status bar on the Infotain-
ment screen.
White - ŠKODA Connect services are available.
Grey - ŠKODA Connect services are not available.
User registration and activation of the
ŠKODA Connect services
User registration will provide you with a ŠKODA ID
user account that can be used in all ŠKODA applica-
tions and services.
94 Online Services ›
ŠKODA Connect