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Version 06
3. Overview, functional description
Minimal quantity lubrication, Fig. 2
Aerosol line
Tool spindle
Machine control unit
Compressed air supply
Ball valve
3.4 Main components of a UFD minimal
quantity lubrication system
3.4.1 Aerosol generator
The heart of the SKF MQL system is the
aerosol generator, which consists of various
air and lubricant nozzles. The nozzles are
installed in a reservoir that both stores the
required lubricant and collects the gener-
ated aerosol.
Depending on the system design, the
MQL system contains one (UFD10) or two
(UFD20) aerosol generators.
The item numbers for the main components
described below are assigned to the respec-
tive diagrams from Chapters 3.6.1 and 3.6.2
(pages 38 to 57).