SKF Multilog On-line System IMx-8/IMx-8Plus
User Manual
Revision E
41 (63)
YES: The sensor circuit and cabling appear essentially OK, double check the
channel assignment and its configuration. If the measurement is DC and no
reason for the measurement error is found, contact TSG for advice.
If the measurement is AC, it may be necessary to substitute another sensor
or simulate a signal, to effectively test the loop.
2. Disconnect both signal wires from the terminals/connectors and recheck the
DC voltage across them. Is the voltage now as expected, for the connected
signal, type?
NO: Problem appears to be related to the signal loop connected to the IMx
input. Continue with further checks on the source equipment and the integrity
of the interconnecting cables.
YES: Problem appears to be related to the IMx (hardware, installation or
configuration) or to a compatibility issue with the sensor. If on rechecking the
aspects advised above, no reason for the measurement error is found,
contact TSG for advice. Checking digital channels
Effective troubleshooting for tacho signals will likely require a handheld/portable
oscilloscope or DMM with oscilloscope capabilities noting that a battery powered unit
is preferred. It will be hindered if the IMx cannot be accessed when the speed signal
is active.
1. Check the sensor installation, the security of the mounting, the gap to the
target and the differential gap between target and no target, conditions.
Ensure these are acceptable for the sensor being used and that the sensor
output will cross the trigger threshold specified in
2. Identify the digital input terminals where the channel in question is connected
to the IMx. Confirm that the wiring is correct for the sensor type in use, see
3. Is sensor power, supposed to be, supplied by the IMx?
NO: Skip to step
, dynamic, oscilloscope, checks
YES: Measure the DC voltage between the P (power) and G (ground)
terminals using a digital voltmeter.
a. Is the measured voltage as expected, typically, 24 V DC?
YES: Skip to step
, dynamic, oscilloscope, checks
NO: Disconnect the sensor cable from the P (power) terminal and
recheck the voltage.
b. Is the measured voltage now as expected, typically 24 V DC?
YES: Double check that the sensor is compatible, especially that the
sensor current requirement is within the capability of the IMx.