59 62 134 D 3407
D 3407
02 07.2009
7 Appendices
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
DICOM Export Wrap&Go
Operator’s Manual SIDEXIS XG
DICOM Export Wrap&Go
A complete examination and a viewer can be automatically burned to a CD
using this function. This function is used e.g. to exchange patient data
between attending doctors.
Open the examination you wish to export.
Activating the function
➢ Click the button.
➢ From the menu bar
, select the menu item
Export Wrap&Go"
Export data / burn to CD
The Windows assistant for burning to CD will be opened.
Follow the screen prompts of the Windows wizard to burn the data to CD.
Possible errors
An error alert will appear instead of Windows assistant if no CD burner is
available in the SIDEXIS station or if the Windows assistant is deactivated.
In this case, confirm the alert by clicking OK.
A dialog box will appear requiring you to select your Save to location.
Select your desired location and confirm in the dialog box.
The examination data will be exported to the selected location. From there,
you can continue to work with the data as desired e.g. you can burn it to a CD
using your preferred burning software.
Import data
When the CD is inserted in the CD drive, the launch page of the viewer will
Open the examination data in the viewer by clicking on the image viewer
A CD burner is required in the SIDEXIS Station in order to run this function.