Registered in England No. 08405712
VAT Registration No. GB163 04 0349
Siretta Ltd
Basingstoke Road
Spencers Wood
Berkshire RG7 1PW
+44(0)118 976 9000
+44(0)118 976 9020
Performing a liveSCAN
This section is only applicable for the SNYPER-3G Spectrum.
liveSCAN works by locking the SNYPER-3G Spectrum to a selected base station
channel and the cell it is operating on. Once the SNYPER-3G Spectrum locks to
a channel, a continuous update of the received signal strength of that cell will be
reported on the SNYPER-3G Spectrum.
liveSCAN can be used in two modes:
Directional liveSCAN:
When conducting liveSCAN with a directional antenna,
moving the antenna horizontally will show the direction with the highest signal
strength. A .csv file of each survey taken during the liveSCAN is stored for
analysis if required. A directional antenna covering all frequencies is supplied with
the SNYPER-3G Spectrum to perform this task. A liveSCAN high performance
directional antenna kit is available to purchase through Siretta.
When conducting liveSCAN with an omnidirectional antenna,
moving the SNYPER-3G Spectrum to different areas in a building will show
“hotspots” with the highest signal strength.
Users are encouraged to use their own antennas when performing a survey
or liveSCAN on the SNYPER-3G Spectrum.
Using the antenna which is intended to be used in the proposed installation will give
the best indication of how the antenna will perform. Placing the antenna in potential
mounting locations and orientations will allow the operator to make an informed
choice about what the best antenna placement is for that installation.
This operation requires an active SIM card to be inserted in the SNYPER-3G
Spectrum. The SIM needs to be fully pushed inside the case using a screwdriver until
a click is heard.
Any SIM card can be used as the liveSCAN will be performed for all networks,
regardless of the SIM card inserted.