© Siqura 2012
Version 1.3 (090902-1c)
1. General description
OCTA 40x0 (4010 for multimode and 4050 for single-
mode) digital optical multiplexer/demultiplexer systems
can transmit eight unidirectional, independent composite
video signals via one optical fiber. The video input
signals are sampled and digitized with 10-bit accuracy.
The OCTA 40x0 TX unit receives input via the eight
BNC connectors. It then converts and combines the eight
composite video channels into one serial digital data
stream. This, in turn, is converted into an optical signal.
The composite video channels are digitally clamped after
being AC coupled at the inputs. The digital clamp is
compatible with NTSC and PAL sync timing. The video
channels are not compatible with non-video (NTSC and
PAL) signals.
The OCTA 40x0 RX unit receives, converts and decodes
the incoming optical signal to recover the eight
individual composite video channels. The output is
disseminated via the eight BNC connectors.
Front panel status LEDs indicate DC power OK, video
signal presence, link synchronization (RX only).
OCTA 40x0 units are double single-width (14TE)
Eurocard-sized modules and should be used in
combination with MC 11 or similar power supply
Stand-alone models (/SA option, see supplementary
/SA-2 manual) need separate 12 VDC power supplies. A
Siqura PSA 12 DC-25 would be suitable.
Figure 1. OCTA 40x0 RX Front Panel. TX panels look similar,
with video inputs instead of outputs. See Table
OCTA 40x0
Eight Channel Digital Video Multiplexer