Sinterit LISA PRO User Manual | 61
18. General legal information
Where this manual refers to Sinterit or the Company, this means Sinterit sp. z o.o. with its legal seat in Krakow, registered by
the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Krakow, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number:
535095, NIP (tax number): 6793106416, with the share capital for a date of publication of this manual of PLN 102,050 (say:
one hundred and two thousand and fifty).
This document contains material protected under copyright and industrial property laws. This means that the document
may not be, including but not limited to, reproduced or modified without the consent of Sinterit.
This manual serves to assist in the correct use of the device, perform basic maintenance and, if necessary, to solve simple
problems, allowing to maintain the device in a good condition.
This manual contains content exclusively for the provision of information and the use by individuals professionally trained
and engaged in the operation and maintenance of the equipment described below.
The information contained in this document is intended for use only with the product made by Sinterit and called Sinterit
Lisa PRO printer.
Due to the constant development of Sinterit’s products the information contained in this manual, specifications and
markings are subject to change without notice.
19. Disclaimer
Sinterit is not responsible for any use of this information in relation to other products.
Although every effort has been taken to provide accurate information about the product, Sinterit assumes no responsibility
for any incorrect information or omission. Sinterit reserves the right to correct any errors and disclaims any liability in
situations resulting from these errors.
Sinterit shall not be liable for defects in the printer’s firmware.
Further limitations or exclusions of Sinterit`s liability may result from the applicable laws or agreements entered into with
the buyer of the products.
20. Trademarks
Sinterit logo is a registered trademark of the Company.
21. Software license agreement
Sinterit grants the buyer a non-transferable license without a right to sublicensing to use the control software Sinterit
STUDIO under the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement between the buyer of Sinterit Lisa PRO Printer and the