Simac PastaMatic MX700
The Simac PastaMatic MX700 electric pasta maker makes approximately 1-1½ Lbs of pasta. It
comes with 6 extruding discs, a specially sized and marked liquid measuring cup, and a special
wrench for changing discs.
To get good results, it is important to follow all the instructions and measure ingredients
accurately. The dough will seem different from that which is kneaded by hand, and it is essential
to know this difference.
For basic pasta, you will need
, plus
whole eggs
. Start with
bleached, all purpose
. Humidity can affect its volume, so use a
to measure the flour accurately. With some
practice, you can experiment with other types of flour after you become familiar with how the
dough should feel when it is ready to be extruded. You will also need a
flour sifter
, and
measuring spoons
For other types of flour, the right consistency of the dough is crucial for proper extrusion and to
avoid damaging the machine. This consistency differs from that used with manual pasta makers,
so we recommend that you start with the basic pasta recipe indicated below, using all purpose
flour. You can then use the desired flour and adjust its consistency accordingly during kneading.
For a full recipe, plan on using a
10 qt stock pot
, filled with
8 qts of water
. Add
2 tablespoons
of salt
when boiling and before adding pasta. You can also add a tablespoon of
, if you wish,
to keep pasta strands from sticking to each other. Add the pasta to the boiling water and start
checking for doneness after 30 seconds. Tubular and thicker pasta takes longer.
Use it freshly made, for best taste. For use within a few hours, flour and wrap it airtight in plastic
wrap and store in the refrigerator. To store it for later use, place it in an airtight container,
flouring generously and layering to prevent sticking, and put it in the freezer. It will take longer
to cook pasta that is stored.