SUP Frequently Asked Questions
My camera is not listed on the list of cameras that the SUP works
with. What should I do?
If your camera is not listed that does not mean the SUP will not work.
First, test if one of the adapter tips fits into your cameras power input. Second,
adjust the voltage setting of the SUP to the correct level as marked on your
camera next to the power input connector.
What voltage level should the SUP be set to if my camera requires a
different level that the available options?
If your camera’s voltage setting is not a setting the SUP has then the next
setting higher would be the option you would use. (i.e. If your camera requires
8.0V, set the SUP to 8.4V)
None of the adapter tips fit into my camera’s power input?
Call Sima’s customer service department and request additional tips.
Will the SUP charge my battery?
The SUP is a universal adapter that supplies DC power. If the output is
connected to a device that charges its battery then the device will receive the
power to charge the batteries. If the device is not capable of charging its battery,
then the SUP will not charge the battery.
Will the SUP work overseas?
The unit will run off 120 volts ac only here in the U.S.
Does the SUP have any center-pin-negative adapter tips?
Sima only produces adapters that are center-pin-positive.