Smart Machine Smart Decision
or NTP, which could reduce TTFF and acquisition sensitivity in cold start.
Multi-tone AIC
SIM868 module supports Multi-tone AIC (active interference canceller) to suppress the RF noise from GSM,
Wi-Fi and so on.
With the help of AIC function, The GNSS signal could be demodulated from the jammed signal, which can
ensure better navigation quality. AIC function is enabled by default. Enabling AIC function will increase extra
current consumption
Note: Using the PMTK286 command to enable/disable AIC function:
Enable AIC function: $PMTK286,1*23
Disable AIC function: $PMTK286,0*22
SBAS is the abbreviation of Satellite Based Augmentation System. The SBAS concept is based on the
transmission of differential corrections and integrity messages for navigation satellites that are within sight of a
network of reference stations deployed across an entire continent. SBAS messages are broadcast via
geostationary satellites that are able to cover vast areas.
Several countries have implemented their own satellite-based augmentation system. Europe has the European
Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) which covers Western Europe and beyond. The USA has its
Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS). Japan is covered by its Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation
System (MSAS). India has launched its own SBAS program named GPS and GEO Augmented Navigation
(GAGAN) to cover the Indian subcontinent.