UG290: MGM12P Mighty Gecko Module
Wireless Starter Kit User's Guide
A Silicon Labs Wireless Starter Kit for the MGM12P Mighty Gecko
Mesh Networking Module for zigbee® and Thread is an excellent
starting point to get familiar with the device, and it provides all nec-
essary tools for developing a Silicon Labs wireless application.
The Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard contains sensors and peripherals enabling easy
demonstration of the many capabilities of the MGM12P. An on-board J-Link debugger al-
lows debugging of the attached radio board as well as providing a debug connection for
external hardware.
A plug-in Radio Board contains the reference design for the MGM12P itself, including the
RF section and device-specific hardware.
• Ethernet and USB connectivity
• Advanced Energy Monitor
• Virtual COM Port
• Packet Trace Interface support
• SEGGER J-Link on-board debugger
• Supports debugging the attached radio
board or an external device
• Silicon Labs' Si7021 Relative Humidity
and Temperature sensor
• Ultra low power 128x128 pixel Memory
• User LEDs / Pushbuttons
• 20-pin 2.54 mm header for expansion
• Breakout pads for direct access to all radio
I/O pins
• Power sources include USB and CR2032
coin cell battery.
• MGM12P12P32F1024GA Module
• 1024 kB Flash and 256 kB RAM
• 18 dBm output power
• -105 dBm sensitivity
• 8 Mbit low-power serial flash for over-the-
air upgrades.
• Simplicity Studio™
• zigbee and Thread mesh networking
• Blue Gecko Bluetooth software
V. 2/18
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