3.9.5 Digital to Analog Current Converter (IDAC)
The IDAC can source or sink a configurable constant current. This current can be driven on an output pin or routed to the selected ADC
input pin for capacitive sensing. The full-scale current is programmable between 0.05 µA and 64 µA with several ranges consisting of
various step sizes.
3.9.6 Digital to Analog Converter (VDAC)
The Digital to Analog Converter (VDAC) can convert a digital value to an analog output voltage. The VDAC is a fully differential, 500
ksps, 12-bit converter. The opamps are used in conjunction with the VDAC, to provide output buffering. One opamp is used per single-
ended channel, or two opamps are used to provide differential outputs. The VDAC may be used for a number of different applications
such as sensor interfaces or sound output. The VDAC can generate high-resolution analog signals while the MCU is operating at low
frequencies and with low total power consumption. Using DMA and a timer, the VDAC can be used to generate waveforms without any
CPU intervention. The VDAC is available in all energy modes down to and including EM3.
3.9.7 Operational Amplifiers
The opamps are low power amplifiers with a high degree of flexibility targeting a wide variety of standard opamp application areas, and
are available down to EM3. With flexible built-in programming for gain and interconnection they can be configured to support multiple
common opamp functions. All pins are also available externally for filter configurations. Each opamp has a rail to rail input and a rail to
rail output. They can be used in conjunction with the VDAC peripheral or in stand-alone configurations. The opamps save energy, PCB
space, and cost as compared with standalone opamps because they are integrated on-chip.
3.10 Reset Management Unit (RMU)
The RMU is responsible for handling reset of the BGM13S. A wide range of reset sources are available, including several power supply
monitors, pin reset, software controlled reset, core lockup reset, and watchdog reset.
3.11 Core and Memory
3.11.1 Processor Core
The ARM Cortex-M processor includes a 32-bit RISC processor integrating the following features and tasks in the system:
• ARM Cortex-M4 RISC processor achieving 1.25 Dhrystone MIPS/MHz
• Memory Protection Unit (MPU) supporting up to 8 memory segments
• Up to 512 kB flash program memory
• Up to 64 kB RAM data memory
• Configuration and event handling of all peripherals
• 2-pin Serial-Wire debug interface
3.11.2 Memory System Controller (MSC)
The Memory System Controller (MSC) is the program memory unit of the microcontroller. The flash memory is readable and writable
from both the Cortex-M and DMA. The flash memory is divided into two blocks; the main block and the information block. Program code
is normally written to the main block, whereas the information block is available for special user data and flash lock bits. There is also a
read-only page in the information block containing system and device calibration data. Read and write operations are supported in en-
ergy modes EM0 Active and EM1 Sleep.
3.11.3 Linked Direct Memory Access Controller (LDMA)
The Linked Direct Memory Access (LDMA) controller allows the system to perform memory operations independently of software. This
reduces both energy consumption and software workload. The LDMA allows operations to be linked together and staged, enabling so-
phisticated operations to be implemented.
BGM13S Blue Gecko
SiP Module Data Sheet
System Overview
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