© 2000
–2020 signotec GmbH
signotec Sigma Lite user manual
Page 10 of 14
Status LED
There is a two-colour status LED on the front of the signature pad:
Orange light
The device is in standby or display mode.
Green light
The device is in capture mode and can capture a signature.
These specifications correspond to the standard behaviour of the LED. You can use
the API to individually control the LED, which means it may display a different behaviour.
Please contact your software manufacturer in this case.
The installation of drivers alone does not indicate that all device functions will be enabled. To use
the signature pad, you also need software that provides communication with the device. You can
use the signotec standard software products if you do not have software that supports the signotec
signature pad. Please refer to
for an overview of signotec products.
We recommend using the signoSign/2 software for a legally compliant and legally
admissible signature for PDF documents.
Accessing the service menu
The signotec Sigma Lite does not have an integrated service menu because it lacks an LCD.
Maintenance, care and cleaning
signotec signature pads are maintenance-free. No technical components need to be replaced regularly
or depending on use. You should handle the device with care, maintain it regularly and replace
accessories promptly if they show signs of use
in order to increase the device’s service life as much
as possible.
Screen protectors
The signotec Sigma Lite has a robust plastic surface. It is not necessary to add more protection
under normal circumstances.
Pen and pen cartridge
The signotec pads are equipped with a robust and maintenance-free
pen that does not require batteries. The pen’s realistic size and
spring-loaded cartridge makes the user feel like they are writing on
paper. The pen can be attached to the pen holder. The pen is pre-
attached to the device with a high-quality cord preventing it becom-
ing lost.
Replacing the cartridge
To replace the cartridge, simply pull the pen apart and remove the old cartridge. Insert the new
cartridge into the pen and then put it back together. When inserting the cartridge, please make
sure that the lower end of the cartridge is correctly inserted into the recess at the bottom of the
pen. Otherwise, the head of the pen cannot be fitted correctly, which could damage the cartridge
or casing.