Operation and Configuration Guide 3.14
Destination IP port range defined by the first and last port, inclusively, of the
Action specifies what action to take for the rule, Reject (default) or Drop.
When the rule is set to Drop, the packets that match the specification are
dropped. This is useful when attempting to prevent hacking.
When the rule is set to Reject, a Reject Cause can be included.
Unreachable shows the site as unreachable while Prohibited informs the
user that the site is banned.
Reject Cause can be set to Prohibited (default) or Unreachable when Action
is set to Reject
Enter a rule name for identification purposes
Fields that are left blank are treated as “wildcards”
A.2.2 Access Granting
Adding an Access Granting rule will permit incoming or outgoing traffic based on
the following criteria:
Source IP address
Source Port range defined by the first and last port, inclusively, of the range
Protocol: TCP, UDP, Both, or ICMP
Destination IP Address
Destination IP port range defined by the first and last port, inclusively, of the
Enter a rule name for identification purposes
Fields that are left blank are treated as “wildcards”.
By default, all ports to the oMG from the WAN side are blocked with the
exception of ports 22 and 2222 (SSH). Access granting rules will not open
additional ports to the oMG but are designed to act as exceptions to access
blocking rules.
A.2.3 Port Forwarding
Adding a Port Forwarding rule allows traffic from the WAN interface to be
forwarded to a specific IP address and port on the LAN interfaces. Traffic can be
selected based on:
Source IP address
Destination Port range defined by the first and last port, inclusively, of the
Protocol: TCP, UDP, Both, or ICMP
Rule name: identifies the rule.
Traffic will be forwarded to a host in the local area network defined by:
Forward to Host: Local IP Address of Host. This is a static IP address.
Forward Port Range: Port range defined by the first and last port, inclusively,
of the range
These fields are mandatory in order for the rule to be effective
Fields that are left blank are treated as “wildcards”