Setting up the WAN
Rev 4 May.17
, select the AP profile from the list next to WiFi Networks,
and click
Figure 5-6: Selecting a WiFi AP profile for a WiFi WAN Link
Note: If multiple WiFi access points have been defined, each access point will be listed
and available for selection in the WiFi link's configuration settings.
5.3 Maintaining Communications with
Services of a WAN
The oMG can use a monitor to detect and try to recover from "high level"
communication failures occurring on a healthy connection between a WAN link
and a LAN segment (e.g. server timeouts due to a server being rebooted). A
monitor accomplishes detection and recovery by periodically checking against its
preconfigured parameters for problems such as a minimum number of connection
failures, timeouts, etc.
Using a monitor helps to ensure that communication sessions between devices
connected to the oMG's LAN, and services or hosts being accessed over the
WAN, are maintained and reestablished if possible.
It's highly recommended that a monitor be created and configured for cellular
Note: Currently, the only supported monitoring method is ICMP ping monitoring.