M i n i C a r d U n i ve r s a l D e v e l o p m e n t K i t Q u i c k S t a r t G u i d e
4. Push and hold the module down when it is firmly seated in the slot and
then fasten it using the screws removed in Step 2.
Remove/replace the Mini Card
When you want to remove or replace the Mini Card:
1. Place the daughterboard face-up.
2. Remove the connecting wire(s) from the Mini Card’s antennas – use the
connector tool, hooking it under the wire connector and pull straight up.
3. Unscrew the Mini Card from the daughterboard.
4. Hold the module at the screw holes and raise it to a 45-degree angle.
5. Pull the module out of the slot.
Connect the antenna(s)
After installing the Mini Card, connect the supplied antenna(s) to the
daughterboard (UMTS modules have a single antenna, CDMA modules have a
main antenna and a diversity antenna):
1. Place the daughterboard face-up.
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