Rev 6.1
January 28, 2019
Product Technical Specification and
User Guide
Power Consumption
Operating Modes
Power consumption levels of the modem also vary depending on the operating mode used.
Refer to the table below for the different kinds of operating modes available.
Table 27.
Operating Modes
Active Mode
Default mode. No functional restrictions.
Sleep Mode
When the modem has a location update with a live network but with no RF band
connection, while the serial link interface is NOT available.
Communication Mode
When the modem has a data connection with a live network.
Entering Sleep Mode
AT command
enables the sleep mode configuration below.
The modem is active when DTR signal is active (low electrical level).
When DTR is deactivated (high electrical level), the modem enters sleep mode after a while.
On DTR activation (low electrical level), the modem wakes up.
The modem determines when it enters sleep mode (when no more tasks are running).
“0x00” character on the serial link wakes the modem up.
The modem never enters sleep mode.
In sleep mode, the modem reduces its power consumption and remains waiting for the wake-up
signals either from the network (i.e. read paging block depending on the DRX value of the network) or
the operating system (i.e. timers wake up timers activated) or the host controller (i.e. character on
serial link or DTR signal).
For more details about the
command, please refer to documents [3] AirPrime HL7588 AT
Commands Interface Guide and [4] AirPrime HL76xx AT Commands Interface Guide.