RFID Setup (Commercial Units Only)
RFID Cards Supported by VersiCharge
Cards Family
Protocol Support
MIFARE Classic
1K, 4K
ISO14443A Part 1-3
1K, 2K,4K
AES, Crypto1
ISO14443A Part 1-4
2K, 4K, 8K
ISO14443A Part 1-4
MIFARE Ultralight
None, 3DES
ISO14443A Part 1-3
RFID functionality is an available feature for commercial units only. Pass the RFID card in front of the RFID and, if successful, the
Charging Process Light will flash twice from the bottom up, there will be an audible tone. If the card swipe is not successful, the
Charging Process Lights will flash for one second, decreasing to .25 seconds; this will happen two times. There will be two audible
tones, decreasing if card swipe is unsuccessful.
RFID State
RFID Swipe Successful
Charging LED ON/Blinking. White #2, #4, #6 &
#8 every 1/4 second in incremental pattern
starting from 0.25S, 0.5S,0.75S and 1S. Repeat 2
times. Audible single beep tone.
RFID Swipe not successful
Charging LED OFF. White #2, #4, #6 & #8 one
Second in decremented pattern starting from
1S, 0.75S,0.5S and 0.25 S. Repeat 2 times.
Audible dual beep tone.
RFID card management can be performed via the ModBus controller, OCPP-based server, or manually using Admin cards provided
with the unit - (Note: Admin cards may not be used when the unit is connected to an OCPP server and RFID cards must be managed
by the OCPP server through the "Local Auth List Management" profile.) Please refer to ModBus map to implement the appropriate
commands to add/remove or authorize charging sessions. VersiCharge maintains a local preauthorized list which holds the list of
all authorized user cards. An authorized user card in the preauthorized list, when tapped, will allow the charging session to start.
To add user cards to pre-approved, tap Admin card, followed by tapping user card(s) that are to be added to the preauthorized list.
Once all user cards are added, tap the Admin card to finish the operation of adding user cards to local preauthorized list. In order
to remove a user card from pre-approved, tap the Admin card followed by the user card already in the preauthorized list, then tap
Admin card again to end the removal process.
Admin Card
User Card
NOTE: Admin cards are
used to add/remove user cards to the system
when RFID is enabled.
NOTE: User cards are necessary to begin charging when RFID is enabled.
VersiCharge™ AC Electric vehicle charging station