Page 99
Issue 5
To exit view messages, press the ‘F4’ key to close down the full screen displays and
then press any key to inform the MOVA unit that no more messages are required.
7.5.5 MOVA Detector Status Output
The detector status area of the MOVA Commissioning screen is capable of displaying
the status of up to 64 detectors. It should be noted that this is the true detector state
only where the detector is designated in the MOVA configuration data set. Where a
detector is not designated it will be displayed as inactive. Care should therefore be
taken when verifying a MOVA installation, if a detector is displayed as inactive when a
vehicle crosses it then this may be because the MOVA configuration is wrong and not
that the detector is defective. The detector operation should be double checked on the
controller with the IOP handset command.
If the controller DFM has timed out the detector will may be forced active or
inactive on the MOVA Commissioning screen. View the controller fault log to
check this.