Safety notes
General safety notes for installation and operation
• Ensure you are using the right capacitor type for your application. Please refer to the Siemens
product installation manual and product manual for proper selection of capacitors. Please
contact Siemens for any assistance required in selection.
• Maintain good, effective grounding of capacitor enclosures.
• Provide the means to isolate any faulty units/banks in the system.
• Handle capacitor units carefully, as they may be charged even after disconnection due to
faulty discharging devices.
• Follow proper engineering practices.
• Do not use the HRC fuses to power up and down the capacitor (otherwise this could lead to
the risk of electrical arcing!).
• Also consider terminals of capacitors, connected bus bars and cables and any other devices
which are connected with them, as being energized. The device is electrically charged.
Installation and maintenance instructions for Power Factor Correction (PFC) capacitors
Installation Manual, 05/2022, L1V30884033A