3SU19 accessories
13.2 Identification of command points
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
Customized inscriptions
Insert labels
The insert labels can be inscribed with text and symbols not listed in the ordering data.
By default, a letter height of 4 mm (for a single line of text) or 3 mm (for two or three lines of
text) is used for text inscriptions.
The typeface used is Arial. Other letter heights and typefaces are possible, but must be
specified when ordering.
For round insert labels, the maximum possible number of characters per line is:
10 characters for one line of text
8 characters for 2 lines of text
6 characters for 3 lines of text, but 10 characters in the middle line.
Examples for customized inscription of the insert labels
Figure 13-1 Two-line inscription in upper/lower case lettering (Q0Y)
Figure 13-2 Single-line inscription in upper case lettering (Q1Y)
Figure 13-3 Three-line inscription in lower case lettering (Q2Y)
Figure 13-4 Symbol number 5011 according to IEC 60417 (Q3Y)
Figure 13-5 Any symbol according to order form supplement (Q9Y)