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Siemens AG
System Manual
Rev. 01
TD PS 24
Medical Solutions
2 - 12
Wiring the framegrabber
Run the end of the power cable with the free cable ends from the framegrabber to the
lateral duct (13/Fig. 15) up to the ON/OFF assembly.
Connect the two ends (bn and bl) of the power cable to terminal blocks X2.1 and X2.2.
Connect the protective conductor (ye/gn) of the power cable to the protective conductor
Insert the connector from the power cable in the power socket of the framegrabber
(5/Fig. 15).
Run the end of the remote cable (7/Fig. 15) from the framegrabber to the MEMOSKOP.
Connect the 9-pin SUB-D connector to the MEMOSKOP "Printer" socket and secure
with screws.
Connect the adapter cable for the remote control (3.5mm jack - BNC connector) to the
"B&W" BNC socket and lock (6/Fig. 15).
Connect the 3.5 mm jack at the other end of the adapter cable to the 3.5 mm remote
connector (7/Fig. 15). Remove first the heat shrink.
One end of the printer control cable is already connected to the printer. The printer
control cable is fed to the framegrabber via the power chain and has a 25-pin SUB-D
connector at the second cable end.
Connect the 25-pin SUB-D connector to the "Printer" socket of the framegrabber
(10/Fig. 15).
Wiring of the framegrabber video cable
Connect one end of the video cable to the 15-pin SUB-D socket "Video In" of the
framegrabber (8/Fig. 15).
With no additional video components present, e.g. a video recorder:
Run the other end of the video cable through the right duct (14/Fig. 15) to the
MEMOSKOP. Plug the BNC connector to the "OUT3" socket of the MEMOSKOP and
With video recorder or vidoe printer present:
Run the other end of the video cable to the video recorder or video printer.
Connect the BNC connector to the looped-through output of the video recorder or
vidoeprinter and lock.
The 75-ohm terminator on the video recorder or video printer must be disconnected or
The framegrabber is equipped with a 75-ohm terminating resistor
which cannot be disconnected. If additional video components,
e.g. a video printer or video recorder, are present, the framegrab-
ber must always be wired as the last video component.