Advanced commissioning
7.7 Protection functions
Converter with control units CU250D-2
Operating Instructions, 04/2015, FW V4.7.3, A5E34261542B AB
Motor temperature monitoring using a temperature sensor
You can use one of the following sensors to protect the motor against overtemperature:
Temperature switch (e. g. bi-metal switch)
PTC sensor
KTY 84 sensor
Connect the motor's temperature sensor through the motor output cable on the Power
Figure 7-49 Connection of the motor's temperature sensor to the converter
Danger to life when live parts are touched in the motor terminal box
The temperature sensor and motor holding brake connections are at DC link negative
potential. Touching these connections can result in death or severe injury.
Keep the motor terminal box closed whenever the mains is applied to the converter.
Before touching the connections switch off the power supply and wait until the discharge
time specified on the warning labels has elapsed.
Insulate the cables that are not used.
Device damage by earthing the motor cable
The temperature sensor and motor holding brake connections are at DC link negative
potential. Earthing these connections will damage the device.
Use appropriate insulation on the cables.
Insulate cables that are not used.
Do not earth cables that are not used.
Temperature switch
The converter interprets a resistance ≥ 100 Ω as being an opened temperature
switch and responds according to the setting for p0610.