The function block diagrams:
These can be found in Section 2 of the List Manual.
In the following description, we refer to their sheet numbers, e.g. "2070 E stop sheet".
The function block diagrams can be read like an analog circuit diagram and represent the
entire controller structure with the parameters, connectors, and binectors used. The control
loops are shown in the sequence in which they are calculated by the processor, reading from
page 1 to the next, and from left to right.
If a function does not work correctly, the content of the connectors and binectors in the
function block diagram starting from the signal source and the display of a read-only
parameter rxxxxx, (xxxxx representing the number of the r-parameter) can be checked for
measured values. This is a simple way of ascertaining up to which part of the circuit diagram
the value is still OK.
This procedure helps to localize the cause of an error and remedy it.
The parameter factory setting is always given in brackets next to the parameter numbers in
the function block diagram, e.g. on sheet 6855, p50191[D](0); screen time of current setpoint
p50191[DDS parameter], with factory setting (0).
Connectors and binectors: BICO:
The device can be parameterized flexibly using the digital signals, the connectors CO
(connector output) 16-bit or 32-bit or floating point value for indicating analog variables, such
as actual current value or speed controller output, and the binectors BO (binector output) for
indicating digital control signals/conditions with the value 0 or 1 (for each bit of the BICO
parameters: binector-connector parameter). The selection parameters, CI (connector input),
and BI (binector input) are used to select at which intervention point the connector or binector
in question will take effect.
To do so, the number of the CO parameter is set at the CI parameter, and the parameter
number of the BO that should take effect is set at the parameter for the BI.
See Section 9.1.5 of the Operating Instructions and sheet 1020, 1030 from Section 2 of the
Parameter Manual.
Display of connector and binector contents:
See parameter rxxxxx, CO, BO
Standard normalization of CO connectors in the case of transmission via a serial
16-bit value, 14 bit = 16384 decimal = 4000 hexadecimal corresponds to 100%
-16384 dezimal = C000 hexadezimal ist Minus 100 %.
7FFF hexadecimal = 32767 decimal = 199.993% (maximum displayable positive number)
FFFF = -32767 = -199.993%
8000 = -32768 = -200% (minimum displayable negative number)
Resolution: 0.0061%
-10% = -1638 dec = F99Ahex
10% = 1638 dec = 666 hex
Calculated with the Windows calculator.
View = scientific
With the calculator set to dec., enter the value -1638.
Change over to hex and select the Word button
Result F99A
Connector scaling 32 bits:
32-bit value,
1073741824 decimal = 4000 0000 hexadecimal is 100%
-1073741824 decimal = C000 0000 hexadecimal is minus 100%
Resolution: 9.3132E-8%
The word is read from right to left,